If you are like me you get tired of looking at the same things over and over again. I used to re-arrange the furniture in my home every couple of years just to make it seem different or to enhance my home with some new creative ideas.
Lately I've been toying with the idea of doing new things to my blog as well. I did a survey a couple of weeks ago asking you, my readers or family, if you thought I should create another blog strictly for my book reviews and more than half of you said no, because you might miss out on the giveaway opportunities or miss out on a great book.
I am thankful for that because it's hard to come up with stuff to keep all the blogs flowing. So you will notice a couple things that have changed so far.
I have reduced the size of my header. It just felt super overpowering whenever I opened my page and I had to scroll down just to get to my first post because it filled the whole screen initially.
Second, I have listed all my giveaways on the top right hand side of my blog with pictures of the book titles listed, and they are linked directly to the review and details of how to enter that particular giveaway so you don't miss out. You can also see at a glance what giveaways I am hosting quickly and also see when they will end.
In the coming week, I am looking into changing it to reflect a three column blog layout so I can create a prayer list on one side and ways to reach out to those in need of prayer specifically.
I hate clutter in my home and want my blog to reflect it as well. I love clean, simple and organized and would love any feedback you think you would love to see here. Ideas, pictures, quotes, you name it, let me know what will make this a place you'd love to stop by and visit each day.
I removed my awards to help the pages load more quickly, and have added links to all the publishers I currently review books for so that you too, can participate if your interested. I wanted to make it user friendly to navigate your way around here and share what I have.
If you click on any of the photos of my family members it will take you directly to their blogs as well.
I look forward to all your wonderful suggestions and can't wait for your feedback. Please be honest and blunt! Its what you have come here to read. What would you like to see?
I'm not one to ask, because I don't do many changes. In fact, my blog has lost it's beautiful roses on the side and I don't remember how to get them back on there or maybe something else. I love your blog as it is, but if you want the change, by all means change it for it will give you pleasure. I always enjoy visiting with you.
I enjoy your blog! I however love change, if you follow my blog you probably have picked up on that one :) I rearrange my furniture in my home every week (it's only three pieces so it's not a drastic thing). When you're home all the time like myself, you need change. I like your blog it's very welcoming. I too try not to have my blog be over-powering. I don't want it to be so busy. I enjoy linking up to others from your site as well. I look forward to the coming changes or no changes at all :) Blessings!! ~Amy
I like what you've done! I like to change things around too, but don't dare to do too much to my blog!
I really like the makeover! It is super easy to navigate and the book giveaways are conveniently located.
You've done a great job!
I think thats why I am having such a hard time getting a new design...I have so many ideas for the gal designing it...but not sure it will all work....
Oh my gosh. I've been thinking about change a lot today. I like what you've done to your blog. :) I think it looks nice.
Now whether I should shave my head or quit my job and volunteer for a year...
I like change too... thank you for your kind words.
Love to you
It looks great, Kat! You've done a great job of simplifying and yet, covering a lot of territory! Looks really great.
Hey Kat, I like the changes you've made, it's more, simplistic but it doesn't lose the essence of your blog :)
I don't think you should change much more - it's user friendly, easy to navigate and it looks pretty.
The most important thing is the message, and that's still there.
(I do like the idea of the prayers column though!)
I like the cha cha cha changes. :) Ok I didn't see a book that I was interested in. Sorry I guess it's a man thing. But then I hardly ever read. In fact I am reading a book now and it is the first book I have read in about 2 years. I am not a book worm.
I like the new look.
Hi,Heart! a blog walking.Hope to learner from your site and you as well.
Hmm...Changes it seems a challenge with me. I love it very much and did it very often. Thanks for sharing... Looking forward.
I'm not a fan of change but on my blog I feel like it has to change all the time! I get so tired of it! Lol! I like what you've done so far! Have a great Thursday!
Looks good, and actually your page is loading faster for me, which is useful.
I think it looks neat and everything is in order of searching- ie. if I want the giveaways there at the top, and your profile is nearby as that's always the first thing I look at on a new page, and then everything else follows.
The 3 column sounds good as a next step.
Its interesting playing with the layout, and its interesting seeing how others prioritise. For me, with a fairly old computer, slow loading sites are a disaster and its something I'm aware of when deciding what to include on my page.
Change...is good...With all the stuff you share, 3 column blog sounds great! But you know what, no matter how many times you keep rearranging your furniture, it is your home that makes us come back over and over! God bless.
I like it. It feels better organized and crisp and everything is easy to navigate. I've read that a blog should load in 4 sec or less...there's a site you can test that...I should look for that link. I like a blog to load fast...if something loads too slowly I often click away.
I adore the picture at the top of your blog. It looks like such a peaceful place to sit and worship the Lord. Is it a place you visit or do you live in that beautiful place?
Your blog is great and I enjoy keeping up with the books you review.
God bless you,
Hi Kat,
I am changing my blog and design quit often, as i do my home. Changing things always makes me feel better. However I visit blogs for the content, and you have always lifted me up, and I have never been disappointed in anything I have read on your blogs. You are such an encourager to all of us here in blogland, and i am very thankful for that.
So enjoy what ever you do, I know we will.
Hugs, and Blessings,
I don't know what your blog looked like before this, being I'm new here! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!
I think your blog looks great, it's easy to follow, clean and simple. That is what I try to do with my blog too-But every once in a while it gets away from me! :)
Oh, Kat, only you would want us to be happy and comfortable here in your blog home!
Do whatever you want...we will all keep coming back! Because we love you, girl!
xo, misha
Change is great...and your blog changes are the same. Love your blog Kat!
Change is good regardless what is involved. I think you had a great one to begin with, but I like the smaller header picture. I would like to make some changes, but know nothing about that part of blogging.
I think it looks great. Much easier to find the reviews and giveaways now.
Many blessings,
Change can be good...
Of course I would still come visit, even if you stayed the same.
I often think about removing stuff too but have only removed a few things. I just want you to know that I don't usually do the book reviews because I just read enough.
But I always come and visit each post! It looks wonderful.
Dahling.....I just LOVE what you've done to the place! :> )
I have always loved your blog. Your header is so peaceful and serene. I always feel at home here!
I think the changes are great my friend. Always love coming here.
still praying,
Change.... I am on my way, as painful as it is. Blessings.
I hate clutter too! But sometimes it just accumulates and I feel overwhelmed to get rid of it. Eventually I usually just throw it all away. LOL
I think your blog looks great! And it loads very quickly for me. You did good. :)
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