If you knew at precisely what time on exactly what day you were going to die, and that date arrived, and the hour and minute came and went, and you were not dead, would you be able to enjoy each additional second of your life, or would you be filled with dreadful anticipation that would turn relief into torture?
That is the question I asked myself at twenty minutes past eight o’clock on Halloween night. Jeremy Winston was still alive. He was in a holding cell, eight steps away from the execution chamber at the Walls Unit in Huntsville, Texas. He was supposed to have been dead for two hours.
David R Dow has had access to a world most of us will never experience. As a lawyer, he has represented over one hundred death-row cases. Many of his clients have died. Most were guilty. Some might have been innocent. The Autobiography of An Execution by David R. Dow is his deeply personal story about justice, the death penalty and a lawyer’s life.
I would highly recommend this book, as I love reading people’s autobiographies. It definitely gives you insight into lives we might not have the privilege to entry and David’s is no exception. I read this book cover to cover in a matter of hours. It is a must read for those that love books by John Grisham, Dave Cullen, and Jeffrey Toobin.
For more information on where to obtain a copy of this book and to gain more information about the author click here.
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book to review for Hachette Book Group. If you are interested in participating in a giveaway for a copy of this book then all you need to do is comment. I will be giving out up to 5 copies of this book direct from the publisher.
Please No P.O. Boxes and this offer is only available for addresses in the US and Canada only. Please make sure I have a way to get in touch with you via email through your comments or blog. This giveaway will end on Friday, March 12th.
This sounds like a really interesting book!
The idea of this book saddens me,a little, for I think of someone sitting in a cell, awaiting death, with no hope.
An interesting concept though. I never really think of what the lawyer must go through.
Who would have ever thought of how the lawyer felt that was handling his case. I am sure that this book is very interesting. Would love to read it. i am so thankful that I can read!
Praying for you, sweetie! Hope things are going well. Hugs, andrea
Kat, Did you ever see the movie "It's My Party."
Incredible. About a terminally ill man who throws himself a two day party, knowing at the end of it , he will take his own life. I won't tell you how it ends!
Another, but very hard to watch is
Human dignity at it's best....
Both, obviously are not death row in the same way as the book you have spoken about today. But, death sentence no less.
For about 10 years I worked with AID Atlanta. My life changed because of it, for the better.
Both movies can be rented. Sad? Yes. But, you will take away human spirit at it's best!
xo, misha
Sounds awesome.
Sounds really really interesting! I have often thought about that question myself and I'm so glad that we don't know the time of our death....I think it would make for a really miserable life....I want to get this book! Thanks for sharing!
The opening two paragraphs of your review kept my interest to say the least. I am sure this is one powerful book. Thanks Kat.
I've wondered that myself and considered the whole lethal injection thing after watching films or reading books (yup! John Grisham!) in the past. Its the sword of Damocles scenario, isn't it? Its a flawed system in a flawed world.
That sounds interesting. I couldn't imagine that though...
I would very much interested in reading a book in this genre.
Ooooo. That sounds amazing...
I love autobiography's as well. This one seems sad, but I bet it has a powerful message.
It's a great book. (The first I ever blurbed--that's how much I liked it.)
What a description! WOW! Sounds like a very interesting read!
This sounds like a great read. Sign me up too. Thanks for another great giveaway. Blessings, SusanD
Oh, and I'm a follower too. :) Blessings, SusanD
Kat, it sounds like a great read. Thank you.
Hugs and Blessings,
I am also a follower. :-)
I think my hubby would enjoy it ?? :)
Please enter me in the drawing!
Oh girl, I've heard of this one and so want it!
This definitely sounds very interesting. I would love a chance.
I am also a follower.
I forgot to also say that this is one of my favorite genres to read.
Thanks again for the chance.
Oh man :( The book looks fantastic, pity I'm in South Africa so I don't even stand a chance :'(
Love your blog though!
Man! This book looks great :)
Wow, I couldn't realize if I'd entered and found I was already on here twice! Sorry. You can ignore those :)
Very interested. Thanks!
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