Today's post was a wonderful surprise from Sharlyn at Dancing on Rainbows. If you haven't had a chance to visit her blog yet, please do! It's wonderful, motivational and inspirational as well! When you visit, tell her that Kat sent you! Have a most wonderful Wednesday!
- Here are the instructions for 8 Things:
Mention the person that tagged you
Complete the list of 8 things
Tag some wonderful bloggy friends
Go tell them you tagged them
8 Things I Look Forward To:
• My daughter graduating in May
• Vacation sometime very soon, hopefully in the deep, dark forest somewhere
• Summer vacation
• Nights and days off with my hubby
• My daughter joining ASB and planning her future prom.
• Beach days relaxing and reading lots of books
• Day when all the bills are paid
• Heaven
8 Things I Did Yesterday
- Had lunch with both my daughters, Girls Day!!
• Gave my oldest daughter her birthday present!
• Got my hubby some new shirts
• Went to dinner with my man!
• Watched American Idol
• Watered my garden
• Blogged to some wonderful people and commented as well
• Talked all night long with my man!
8 Things I Wish I Could Do: - Play the piano
• Cook like a gourmet for my family
• Scuba dive and see the underwater world
• Lose some weight
• Minister to the teens in our community
• Move to the Pacific Northwest
• Fix my computer when it doesn't want to cooperate! Been tempted too many times to toss it over the fence into oncoming traffic.
• Build a log cabin home to retire in.
8 Shows I Watch: - Grey's Anatomy - Yes I deal weekly with Mer and Der drama, I am a hopeful romantic!
- Survivor - Ever since the first episode where I almost tried out!
- The Celebrity Apprentice - Got love hearing Trump fire the biggest celebrity names!
- American Idol - Yes I am rooting for Adam to win, gotta love the uniqueness he brings to the show, and still trying to figure out what is in Paula's drink!
- The Mentalist - Love a man that can see right through people! So charming as well.
- Heroes - Now who hasn't wanted super powers at some point in their life?
- Hell's Kitchen - For those who can't cook, we watch others try!
- Ghost Whisperer - Yes I love Jennifer Hewitt and still believe in true love forever!
Rather than tag someone, if you want to run with this idea, then go for it. I know so many people whose blog's I follow have already completed this. If you haven't, it helps for us to know just a little bit what you're like on the inside and outside as well. Me, I am kinda like a grilled cheese sandwich, something that you're just comfortable with and nothing really ever changes!