Sorry, I haven't written for some time, I think Friday was my last blog. We had Kailee's official party on Saturday so we were busy from sun up til sun down. Lot's of friends and family for all ages. We had all 10 of Kailee's friends, about 4 of my teenage daughter Caitlyn's friends, and then of course our friends and family. It was a gorgeous day out, plenty of sunshine, no clouds. Almost seemed like a summer day in January. Now how odd is that?
We played limbo, broke the pinata, poor little turtle. I think we packed him with so much candy all it took was one good hit and he fell apart from where he was tied to the rope. Note to self: Don't load it with too much candy! We had a luau themed party so we played Hawaiian music while the kids finished up their games. We got pizza from Little Caesars, because with 22 people, food can get expensive. We had chips and homemade salsa, thanks Steve, as always people rave over your salsa! We had veggies, fruit and of course cake and ice cream.
Presents came next, and Kailee did something unusual this year, she asked for gift cards for Target and Game Stop. She was going to save them all up along with any birthday money and then go buy some Wii games she has wanted since Christmas. Poor thing didn't want to spend any of them. At least she didn't get presents that parents often look at and think, "Great, what are we going to do with that?" Nope! Good choice Kailee.
The evening ended when most of the guests left at 4:30pm, so we cleaned up with the help of our teenagers who stayed til 6pm. They really helped alot. Seriously, they did!
Next day, we woke up and headed to church and it's funny. I remained in this weird mood for most of the day. Melancholy almost. Even my husband, seemed to notice. I guess I needed to recommit my time and start spending it with God again. Since the weekend, I haven't finished my nightly studies or even blogged. Funny how that really affects your mood.
So we took Kailee shopping to use her gift cards, she bought a couple of games, Super Smash Bros and My Sims. We dropped Caitlyn off at Sean's to watch the Superbowl with his family and friends, and I went to lay down in bed since I was feeling so blah! Funny thing was that they had an I Love Lucy marathon on the Hallmark Channel and I watched several episodes while switching to the Superbowl every now and then to see the score. I was rooting for the Cardinals as Kurt Warner is a Christian and we prayed for his team to win! Sad to see just how close they came!
Well back to school today and another week looms ahead. Time to get back on track!
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