With so much discussion going on about the end of the world happening in the year 2012 it makes you wonder just where did all this information come from. Did it all begin with the launch of the movie, “2012”? Some say it began with speculation regarding the Mayan calendar that ends on December 21, 2012, but what does that mean?
Some speculate that the earth, the sun, and six planets will line up perfectly and thus change our magnetic fields on planet Earth causing world wide destruction. NASA speculates that a great solar storm is expected that will wipe out electricity and communications all over the world. Others predict a great strike between Earth and Planet X, and still others predict the beginning of the tribulation period predicted about in the Bible will begin in the year 2012 with the recent earthquakes and natural disasters foretold as warning signs in the Bible.
Will The World End in 2012, A Christians Guide to the Questions Everyone is Asking, by Raymond Hundley, PHD, is a book written from a Christian who takes each of these ten varying predictions and dissects them to find out how true any of them really are. I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book to review for Thomas Nelson Publishers and found the facts that Dr. Hundley finds interesting and a must read for anyone searching for answers surrounding all the 2012 publicity.
If you would like to know more information on the book and where to purchase a copy, please click on the link below.
Very interesting.
Only in God's timing. Thanks Kat. Blessings.
I've always wondered and I too wrote a post on this. My boy was fearful and he never really like movies that showed the end of times. It was very depressing, when incidences like the Tsunami, earthquakes, hurricanes and big storms happening. It becomes more evident that things are happening to this earth, what little we can do for our peace, our destiny we will. Pray for peace, pray for a safe journey home when the time comes. blessings
There is plenty going on now that could be a sign that the end is near, YET God, and GOd alone is keeper of the clock.
Okay, I am embarrassed to say that I watched the movie 2012 a few weeks ago. I never intended on seeing it, but then I felt like seeing an action movie one night and this had just come out on DVD. ONE OF THE WORST MOVIES I'VE EVER SEEN!!! We were laughing at it because it was so bad. I'm sticking with the Bible's version of the the end of the world!
Hugs & Blessings, Leslie
One think we DO know from scripture is that no MAN knows when this will happen. So...I don't think it will be 2012.
It is indeed unfortunate that so many people are so misinformed about the 2012 scenario. Everyone should know the facts.
1. The Mayan calendar does not end in 2012, it predicts a new age arriving.
2. That planetary alignment occurs every 200 years or so.
3. The earth aligning between the sun and the center of the galaxy happens once every year.
4. There is no evidence or math observation to support a planet X.
5. Those solar storms occur on average every 11 years. Nothing has happened from that before. I read NASA stuff all the time, and I don't recall reading this prediction...
Wow, I was actually looking for one of your posts about Enoch. My SIL and his family is into this big time. Buying supplies of food, making huge plans and they think we are crazy for not doing the same. I think I need this book.
No one can predict this here on earth no matter how much scientific theory they put into it. If our faith and belief is strong in the Lord, then only God knows when that exact time will happen and He will come when we least expect it. All truths can be found within His Word. We need to really know Revelation inside and out.
Love you,
I was just reading again in Luke this morning about being ready. Whether it ends soon or we wait, let's be ready!
It is irrelevant when the earth will end. What is relevant is that we as Christians are found faithful and minding our Father's business. I do think the clamor about the world ending in 2012 is shaking some people up enough to get their lives back with the Lord. For that I am grateful. God bless.
Interesting question...End time events are pointing that the time is so close.
Wow, that's interesting. I thought about getting that book to review and didn't, now you make me wish I had. Love you, Angel
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