Well I've got great news prayer warriors and I am always so thrilled when I get to share answers to the prayers I have requested from all of you.
I just got off the phone with Steve who was traveling for business and really need to get a contract with one of their top vendors whom he has had an outstanding relationship with. The only drawback was that they usually don't take applications for new vendors but once every three years and last year being the first of the three year cycle.
Since Steve's relationships with people and meeting the clients needs has been so wonderful they offered to extend the contract to Steve's new company, not only to his division he is heading up but for all aspects of any future work in construction and real estate as well. He was also provided with the opportunity to begin bidding on two local projects right here in California.
Isn't God's blessings so amazing? Thank you again for helping this happen and without all your prayers meeting God in His throne room, this would have been a huge struggle against the enemy adding more pressure onto Steve's already full shoulders. Now he can take a bit of a breather until the contract arrives on Monday. Praising God in the Highest today!
Plus since I am feeling so generous, I am giving away a Cheerios Prize Pack with a $25.00 American Express gift card on my Reviews From The Heart Blog today!.
Come and join me and win a $25.00 American Express Gift Card to spend any way you want it.
I've got a huge smile on my face! Great news!!! God is faithful.
I'm smiling right along with Mari! So happy for you all! What an answer to prayers.
GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! :-D So excited for you!! Now I'm thinking about posting a prayer request on my blog!! :)
That's great news! Woohoo, Steve!!!
With the faith you both share, I never doubted he would find something. I am so thankful this happened as you two have had way too much on your plate lately. Blessings to your entire family.
That's TERRIFIC Kat! I'm so pleased on your family's behalf.
HI sweetie, Yes I'm saying it loud cause I"m filled with Praise to our Lord for all He has done for Steve and all He has planned for the two of you. What a privilege to lift others before the throne of the most High God.
Smiling, laughing and hugging you today.
That is wonderful Kat! God is so good.
Wonderful news! Congratulations.
Giving God a great big praise clap for this wonderful news sis, love you.
God is Awesome! Congrats on your great news!!
Praising God for His provision! That is awesome news!
This is such good news, dear Kat, and my day is just starting over here!
My heart is rejoicing with you!
Does your offer for a give away extend to this side of the globe? Just asking!
That is absolutely wonderful news. God is so good to us and we don't deserve it! I know you both are excited. Tell him we'll still be praying for him.
HALLELUAH!!! Thank you LORD for Favor! Thank you for Provision! Thank you for Success here and in the future!!
Big hugs all around :)
Praying for Steve's continued success.
That's wonderful sister Kat. Truly, nothing is impossible with the Lord. And through trials, He really makes His presence known and felt and seen!!! Glory to God! Have a great weekend and God bless.
So awesome!!!! Praise The Lord!!!!
Thank you Lord for your divine provision. Your promises hold true and we stand ever so deeply in your Word. I love you and praise your holy name on high.
Love you Kat...so very very much. My prayers continue to rise ever so swiftly to His Throne Room of Grace for you and your entire family.
Congratulations Steve!
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