James 1:12 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." (NIV)
Too often we all look back on the final day of any given year and see all that has transpired in our lives. This, for the world in general, has been a year of challenges. The "change" that was to occur didn't pan out quite as well and despite being in a recession, so many companies still raised prices while people at home lost everything, from homes, families, and jobs.
Yet we sit today on the threshold of another year of possibilities. A clean slate if you will, to make some changes in where you find yourself today. I know for me, I spend a lot of time dreaming of what I want to see happen in my life and where I'd like to see change. I don't want to look back a year from now and see nothing has really changed. My newest quote is "If nothing changes, NOTHING changes."
In 2010, change happened all around me. Once more my storms came raging and yet despite it all I held fast to my faith that never fails. My friends may offer their words of encouragement, but nothing compares to faith in God. It's the one thing that never changes, can always be trusted, and always perseveres to the end.
I began the year with an unknown diagnosis of a debilitating pain I had since November in 2009. After seeing doctor after doctor, I prayed for an answer, someone who would see me with fresh eyes. I found such a person and in the end of March of 2010, I was scheduled for surgery for multiple cysts on my ovaries and some exploratory surgery while they were there. I awoke with a partial hysterectomy. It was the worst surgery my Ob-Gyn had ever done, but I was pain free.
In my trials, I was convinced that this was going to be my new life, much like Paul had to endure his unknown thorn. Once I was settled in my heart to accept this, things changed. God answered the call. My faith passed through the fire and I was not burned.
Steve found work in July of this year and even though that has posed its own challenges, we still see the fruit of God's provision in our lives. While so many lost everything, God held fast to our daily bread. Our kids remained healthy, we didn't lose anything that wasn't worth losing, and during it all, I saw that the things we worry most about, never happen. We give so much power to the enemy when we can't fix our own problems.
If we merely step out of the way, God can do His work, in us and through us, and in it all, bring about glory to His name.
So, my dearest readers, if you find yourself, adrift and lost in violent storm or if you feel like you are literally in the fiery furnace with flames all around you in your life, rest assured in your faith in Jesus Christ, that God has His eye on the clock and His hand on the thermostat. You will come through this, not smelling of fire, or drenched to the skin, battered and bruised but stronger and more confident than ever before. If you still remain undecided on whether God is right for you, I ask that you give it 30 days. Pick up a Bible and begin reading in the book of John and ask God to reveal Himself to you. His word, NEVER FAILS or comes back empty.
I wish you all a blessed and abundant New Year in 2011 and would ask that you would leave a comment and share what you have learned this year in closing out 2010 on a positive note.