For as long as I can remember there is a tongue twister that no one has been able to answer until now...
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Don't believe me, check out this video:
The answer is as much as they can until the farmer gets home, plus 1! Enjoy something fun for your Saturday!
Share Your Shelf-February
7 hours ago
A friend who gives the gift of a smile. Thanks Kat.
This is one of the funniest commercials we've seen in a long time. My hubby and I laughed so hard the first time we saw it. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD
I love those Geico commercials. Thanks for the smile!
Funny video, thanks for sharing.
That is so cute, thank you for the laugh.
I love this commercial!! It makes me laugh everytime I see it!!
I love that commerical. Some of the ones running now are hysterical. You gotta love marketing genius!
Smiling with you! Hope you and the girls got to see Tangled and enjoyed it as much as we did with Savannah!
LOL. Thanks for this. Have a great week ahead sister Kat! God bless.
Awwwww. So hilarious!!
This commercial is so great! Makes me glad that I have GEICO for my car insurance.
HA! I do kind of love the Geico commercials. I also love the Mayhem commercials.
Those tongue rhyms always make me giggle.
It reminded me of when my neice got married........her new last name was to be DEWSNUP
we'd tease her and say "how much dew could a dew snup snup, if a dew snup could snup dew.
so fun
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