Too often on days like today we tend to let it slip our mind while enjoying time with family and friends, bar-b-queing, celebrating with the fireworks and having this day off from work with pay, that there was a price to be paid for this.
Today is the day we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence and those founding fathers that were will to risk high treason to declare this countries freedom. Yet many men and women still risk their lives to keep people free not only in this country but in countries they would never think to rest a foot on, to keep people free from the terrors of those that would love to keep them in bondage, living in oppression and fear.
Today let us remember that many families will remain apart as we celebrate our countries independence while they continue to defend the liberties and freedoms we take for granted too often. Let this 6 minute video be a reminder of the cost for freedom and let us never forget those that gave up their lives and risked it all.
Happy 4th of July! May God continue to pour forth His blessings on those that want to keep our country one nation UNDER God! My personal and heartfelt thank you's to all those that have paid a price serving this great country of ours.
Father, I come to You, confessing my sin and asking for Your forgiveness. I thank you, Lord, for You have promised that if I will confess my sins, You will be faithful to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I want to turn from my sins and live in Your will. I ask that You give me the power through Your Holy Spirit to live the right way.
I thank You that Jesus Christ died on the cross, paying the price for my sins, and then rose from the dead. I accept Him now as my Savior, my Lord, and my Friend. Thank You for giving me new life in Christ. I surrender myself to You; make me what You want me to be. In Jesus' name. Amen!
This is my online ministry that God is using to bring about encouragement, hope and love to a hurting and dark world. I am hoping that all of you that find your way here will take something away that will add some meaning to your life! I personally feel it's a calling I have from God at this time in my life to reach out to people that are hurting and offer them hope in a dark world or at least give them a smile and laughter back! I am sold out, body, mind, spirit and soul to Jesus Christ! This blog is dedicated to God, The Great I AM, Alpha and Omega, Jesus Christ, my Savior!
1 comment:
Beautiful post Kat. ((HUGS))
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