18 years ago today, life was so much different than it is today. I guess we could all say that looking back in hindsight. You see, 18 years ago today, my daughter, Caitlyn was born. Now she is beginning a new life today as an adult.
Still she has so much left to learn and I'm sure I will still be there along her journey helping her along. But today she is beginning a journey of her own. Today she will spread her wings and take flight. She isn't leaving home just yet, but already she is taking small flights from the nest.
She has her first real job, making her own money. She is discovering her own independence now that her high school years are behind her. Only the unknown future in each day awaits her. Her choices on how she will spend this day. Who she will spend it with and what she will do with her 86,400 seconds in the day, because once they are spent, they are part of her past. She can't go back and re-do that day or those moments in time.
My 18 wishes for her today are:
1. She lives each day to the fullest, leaving no regrets.
2. That she remembers in wanting friends, she'll need to be a friend first.
3. That she will keep God close to her heart and when she has doubts, God will be the first person she calls upon to help.
4. That she doesn't hold grudges, life is too short to spend them being bitter and angry.
5. That she loves with all her heart unconditionally as God has loved her.
6. That she remembers to help out in any way possible because she will never know when she entertains angels in disguise.
7. That God will bless her with wisdom so she can always remember to think before she speaks or acts. Words spoken in haste can not be taken back.
8. That God will guide her on her path in the future, remember that faith is the opposite of fear, so boldly go into the unknown with God by her side always.
9. That God will fill her with joy overflowing so when she sees someone down and out, she can encourage them and lift them up.
10. That God will provide her with learning opportunities that she can learn patience and perseverance through the storms of life, remembering that calm waters come soon after.
11. That God will provide a sense of security for her so that she is never afraid to stand on her own, as long as God is with her.
12. That God will keep her protected so when she is far from home, angels will watch over her and keep her safe.
13. That God will bless her life in numerous ways and she can learn from her experiences and share the love and faith of God with others who remain in the darkness with her personal testimony.
14. That God will provide a light to help her find her way out when fears seek to overcome and consume her. God will always light the way and remove all darkness.
15. That God will provide her with a forgiving heart so no matter how much her heart hurts, she can learn through opportunities of failure and find success and blessing.
16. That God will bless her with a servant heart so she can remember that being last in taking care of others is a blessing in disguise.
17. That God will bless her with a strong belief that she will not fall when others seek to persecute her for her beliefs or values in God.
18. That God will remind her to keep her child-like sense of wonder and she can appreciate the little things that God sends her way. It is this faith that will allow her to enter the gates of heaven and show others the way!
Wishing you love, faith, hope, joy, perseverance, patience, wisdom, strength, happiness and blessings on your 18 birthday Caitlyn!
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter, Kat ... & to you of her birth.
Have a beautiful celebration together.
my how time fly wne you are having fun. Happy birthday to you Caitlyn!!!!
Lovely pictures, and equally lovely sentiments from a devoted mother's heart!
P.S. It gives me hiccups to think that I got married at 18!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful Caitlyn! Your 18 wishes for her are great!
Happy Birthday to your sweet Caitlyn! What a beautiful post to your beautiful girl! You did good my friend!
Love you and sending big birthday hugs to you both!
What a sweet and heartwarming post about your beautiful daughter......I hope the two of you have a wonderful celebration......
Hugs and blessings,
Wow, they grow up fast! Happy birthday to Caitlyn.
Happy Birthday Caitlyn!
What a beautiful post and beautiful wishes. They grow up so fast, am about to celebrate daughter no 2's 18th, two to go :) Lxx
Loved this post! Happy birthday to your lovely daughter!
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