Every once in awhile we get the feeling like there is more to learn in something we experience. Over time we can look back and truly see the hand of God in it and then the lesson comes full circle.
Some say since they can't see God, it's hard for them to relate to Him. How can you draw near to someone you can't see or have never seen? Yet if we are willing to look hard enough to seek Him out, He reveals Himself to us all the time, if we are only willing to look.
Today, my youngest daughter, Kailee is experiencing fear and stress beyond anything she has ever dealt with. That's her personal opinion about it anyway. She is going to the dentist today at 3pm. She really wanted her dad with her, but he is working pretty far away today and even as hard as he tries, I know he won't make it home in time. So I will be with her.
This isn't her first visit to the dentist, but it something that needs to be addressed right away. One of her baby teeth doesn't want to leave and is causing her permanent tooth to grow over the top of it. I can probably see that the dentist will want to pull that little baby tooth out of the way. Yet it's that fear of the unknown and probable pain that is causing tears and anxiety for her. This will not be a fun day.
I know in the end, she won't feel the pain she fears in her mind, and it will all be perfect after it's all said and done. Yet as a parent, we can see the bigger picture here. We can see how this will all work out.
Why then, when we face our own fears can we see things like we do when we are the parents dealing with it with our children? Don't we see that God knows how it will all turn out? That He understands our stress, our fears, our anxieties? He really wants us to dump it all on Him and cry out to Him. He won't necessarily take it away from us, just like Kailee's tooth won't fall out today before we head into the dentist, but there is a lesson to be learned in everything that happens to us daily.
Trust God.
Lean On Him.
He is the only thing that NEVER changes and remains constant.
He will never LEAVE you or FORSAKE you.
In the end, as we look back, we can see that we dealt with the fear and anxiety and most of the time, we created more of it than what we actually had to deal with. Isn't the enemy funny like that? He wants us stressed beyond belief to the point of bringing us to tears and losing sleep.
Yet God, is like me today, reassuring Kailee that I am here, I will be holding her hand, and I will be with her every step of the way. When it's over, that fear will be gone and she will have passed her test of faith. Believing us in what we tell her and seeing through her own eyes that faith does prevail if you are willing to take that first step and try.
I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow, but please lift her up in prayer today as she works through her day today.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " ~ Jeremiah 29:11
Excellent post and something we all need to remember.
Said a prayer for your daughter!
I really needed to hear this post today...thank you. I will say a prayer for mommy and daughter! Have a blessed day!
Oh my, fears can really paralize you if you let them. But thankfully we have One who is always with us through thick or thin. Great post and great reminder!
Hi sweet friend, Lifting your girl up-so many unknowns can cause us stress if we let them. I pray your presence beside her gives her peace just like our Papa does for us.
Have a blessed week dear one.
Love, Noreen
Excellent post!!
I never liked the dentist when I was a kid either!! I still don't! :) LOL
So I can relate and I lifted her up in prayer after I read this today.
I agree with Cathy, excellent post.
I do see Gods hand in my daily life and it's the best thing. I actually look for it each day. I have Godincidences all the time.
Another awesome post! Thank you for sharing from your heart!
I have an award for you at Arise 2 Write. It is the second post down.
I have a prayer request at All Gods Creatures.
Such a great post.
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