Thursday, November 4, 2010

Praise Report

Sorry I have been MIA for so long. Steve's been traveling so between school and being mom and dad, I am putting priorities over my daily blogging. Yet I have super great news to share with all of you. Here goes:

1. Ken is out of the hospital and recovering at home. What we didn't realize until after he was discharged is that the doctors had told the family there was a very slim chance he would pull through at all and survive. Yet we believe in a God who loves to push those odds and grant us a true miracle.

2. Steve's dad, Bill, went through his heart surgery this morning to remove the build up on his stints. The great news is that he is recovering nicely and within a month, he can have his hip replacement surgery. So this is another great praise report. We were praying for this to happen and God blessed this prayer.

We are still waiting on word from my nephew's MRI and hoping and believing that God will find another way besides surgery for his scoliosis treatment being so young. We are praying for divine guidance and wisdom for God to lead the way.

We just finished up with another week of 90 degree temps and they call this "fall?" and hoping for cooler weather soon and no more allergy meds for me.

I am finally over the worst part of my root canal and finally able to return to eating normal foods for me. Things are going well and we have to praise God for His provisions and blessings this week. Thank you to everyone who passed along these prayer requests and I hope to have a great end to this year.


  1. God is so good to us! I'm so glad to hear about Ken and your father-in-law. They've been in my prayers for a little while.

  2. What a great list of things to be thankful for. Thanks!

  3. I love that you posted your praise report, and that you are sharing this good news. It is 80 degrees here today, so we are enjoying summer too, in November.

  4. So glad to read that things are looking up for you all in your corner of the world. Sorry that the temps have been up too. ;-) That is the only thing I hope falls for you soon. Hugs.

  5. Thanks for sharing all your good news! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Hi there, Praising God with you today and continuing to ask for healing for you mouth. Hang in there dear friend.
    Lots of love.

  7. Some wonderful news :) God is good. I can't believe how warm it has been.

  8. I would actually love 90 degrees....we had snow today.

  9. ... tomorrow always brings another day of sunshine. I am so glad that things are going along better for all of you.

    I am doing better now too.

    Have a lovely eve ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  10. happy to hear the good news!!!
    and 90
    we have had a week of absolutely splendid weather for this neck of the woods....high 50's into the 60's
    and with NO WIND, makes me thankful indeed

  11. Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow! Celebrating your great news, Kat!

  12. God is so Good!!! That's wonderful news about your father-in-law.

    Paula @

  13. That's definitely a thankful Thursday report! I love the fall picture. That's no the high desert, is it?

  14. Kat appreciate your grads list. Blessings dear one. Thank you for your praise report.

  15. So glad about the great reports!!! Thank the Lord!

  16. wonderful, wonderful news! Thanks for sharing all the good things that God has done in your family. He is sooooo good!

  17. Wow! So glad Ken is recovery so well! God is so good to us. Lots to celebrate!

  18. SC weather has been high as 67 and low in the mid 30s. (Definitely Fall weather). Keeping you and your family in my prayers!!

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