Friday, October 29, 2010

More Updates and Wise Advice

Just wanted to let you all know that my root canal is in a two part stage. I have completed part one and in a month, I go back for the second part. Never remember doing it in multiple stages before but my dentist was amazing. WOW never knew dental technology has come as far as it has before.

I was super sore yesterday and really regretted going to have it done but know in the long run there are benefits that have yet to be seen. Only right now, all I saw was throbbing pain so severe it messed with my migraines, sinus' as well as my right eye.

Here's my advice from my experience: Despite what advice your dentist provides to you, wait until your infection in your tooth is gone completely (meaning you feel no pain) before you have any work completed on that tooth.

I hope to be back on track on Monday and will fill you in on the rest of what's going on with the family. Have a blessed weekend!!!


  1. I've had a 2 abscessed teeth before and know that pain. Glad you are doing better today!

  2. Bless your heart! Hope you feel better soon.

  3. I have had several. Here sending you gentle hugs..... ((((Kat))))

  4. Praying for you, and loving you sis.

  5. I so feel for you. I've had a root canal and it is not fun. Hope your mouth is feeling much better in a couple of days. Take it easy over the weekend.

  6. praying for quick recovery and no pain for you my precious Kat!

    dental work is no fun... but it beats tooth pain. ha!

  7. Hi sweetie, I've had several root canals and I know the pain so lifting you up right now. Get rest and know that this shall pass.
    Hugs, NOreen

  8. I do not know what else you are going to have face. You have had more than you share of pain this year. With your faith and strength, you will come out just fine. I do not have dental work done till I really have to. So far, I have been blessed. I have all my teeth including wisdom except one.

  9. I'm so sorry you felt so bad, but it'll be okay! Lots of love to you!!

  10. Same here Sis,, they are,, well,, not the most fun of things go through...Thinking of you..
    A little prayer for you~~~ As you trust in our Sweet Lord,, may He continue to shine through you covering you with His blessings...
    Hugs Dena

  11. Hello Kat! Sorry to hear abut your tooth! I do wish well with all of that! I know it can be rough, but worth it to get it taken care of and to be pain free! Hope you're doing well besides that! Blessings to you! ♥ Amy

  12. I never EVER want a root canal
    I freak out when I have to go to the dentis for anything.
    I'd rather give birth

  13. Greetings from India! Hope you continue to make progress!


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