After denying all requests to join Facebook, I finally relented to help my youngest daughter out on one of her games. Now I am trying to find a way to post my facebook friends on my blog. Anyone know how to do this??
I would appreciate all your help since I would love to add some of you to my Facebook friends who are also part of my blogging family.
Please leave me a comment or email me directly at Stevenkat27 (at) gmail (dot)com, which is also my email for Facebook if you want to send me a friend request.
Share Your Shelf-February
7 hours ago
I think that question is out of my! I know you can post a fb badge and that will link you to your blog..check with someone smarter than a fifth grader.. (: I will friend request you on fb.
I LOVE Facebook! I thought I'd come to loathe it, but it's been a fun way to connect with extended family and old friends. In fact, my husband sometimes sends me messages when he's sitting right across the room from me.
Come see me at Kathleen Wells-Flanagan.
So it looks like you got the network blogs figured out,so I assume that's what you wanted?
I'll friend you if I can find you, lol!
Look me up at Beth Hughes Endean!
I have fb friends showing on my blog. They are people who follow my blog thru Networked Blogs which is a fb application. My blog is registered with them so it comes up in my news feed.
If you type in Networked blogs into the search box on fb you'll probably find it and can follow their instructions by going to their app page. Or friend me at Joyce Shaklee Daley and you'll see my blog posts on my newsfeed and at the bottom of the box containing the blog link is the link for Networked blogs.
You can elect to auto publish or you can manual publish your blog to your pages with networked blogs.
ok, sorry...after that lengthy comment I noticed you have it on your blog : )
Hi there, I can't help because I don't have a link to my Facebook on my blog either. But I hope to be able to add you-or maybe you can add me as a friend. I'm listed as Noreen Taylor.
Have a blessed day!
Hugs, Noreen
In FB;
Hip Hip Hooray! You are on FB!
I have searched for you and am unable to find you! Do you have any idea how many Kathleen Smith's there are????? tons!
Come Find me
Loren Woods McGhee
Sorry can't help, think I'm the last hold out...I do not facebbok...
I just started facebook myself, Kat, so I am still learning the ropes!
Search for me - Beth Bennett Herring!
Hey Kat,
I came by to say Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Praying that everyone is well in the LORD.
Hugs and blessings!
I've sent you a friend request :)
I hope someone was able to help you. Have a bless week!!!
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