Saturday, October 9, 2010

Super Saturday - Happy Anniversary

Ever since my hubby and I got married, 12 years and 8 months ago today, we take the time to celebrate those monthly milestones! That's right each month on the 9th, one of us will try to say,
"Happy Anniversary" first. Most of the time, I have to admit its me.

Perhaps that little calendar app I have in my phone helps or the fact that I change my desktop calendar each day and just seeing the number 9 pops up before Steve does inspires me.

We've had our struggles lately mostly due to time management issues and his new job taking him out of state or working all kinds of weird schedules, but in all honesty, there is no one I'd rather fight with then Steve! Happy 12 year, 8 month Anniversary.

Don't forget, I am hosting two Christian DVD giveaways on my blog, Upside (about a boy who gets injured playing lacrosse and ends up with his vision literally turned upside down) and Bringing Up Bobby ( a Christian comedy about a crazy and fun dysfunctional family) for those of you looking for some outstanding Christian family movies. Click here to go to my Reviews From The Heart blog and sign up. Once there, go to the right hand side bar and scroll down to participate in any of the giveaways I am offering.

Have a blessed Saturday!


  1. Happy Anniversary my friend!

  2. Happy Anniversary Hun Hun!!!

    I would love to go do something tonight. Up for it?

  3. How fun that you have celebrated every month for the last 12 years and 8 months. We will have our
    42nd anniversary next month.

  4. My 29th Annual is this month. You newly weds kill me. So, congrats my friends.

    Read this on your Anniversary;
    1 Corinthians 13. The "LOVE" chapter.

  5. How absolutely sweet!!!
    Sounds like the Good Lord put two sweet people together.
    Have an Awesome Anniversary my sweet friend.
    God Loves ya as do I,

  6. I love this posting Kat! Congratulations to both of you! And, i might add... my hubby of 46 years brought me beautiful yellow rose this week, as we marked onr more hurdle jumped in our ongoing journey together!! You never get it totally together in a week or 12 or 46 years... it's a precious traveling through the ups and downs and honesty of a heart relationship that wants God to be honored!!

    Hugs and Happy day!!!


  7. Well happy anniversary ---for 12 years....and always on the 9th.
    that is cute.

    and congrats to your daughter for her involvement in her school....that is a great opportunity for her.

  8. When you find a perfect marriage, let me know. I am afraid they do not make them. This is still a sweet gesture on your part. As I am sure you well know by now, life is made up of give and take. Hang in there, and wish you and Steve the best.

  9. We do the same, Kat! How cool is that :) On the 15th of each month is our "little" anniversary!
    And we got married in April..April 15th. Yep, Tax Day. Ha!
    I firmly believe this is why J never forgets our day.

    I have missed you. I am trying my best to visit everyone this weekend! And you were tops on my list!!
    xo, misha

  10. Happy anniversary. I have a postcard for your sweet daughter. We are trying to find new housing and life has been stressful. Please forgive me and please pray. Hugs Anne

  11. Happy 12 year, 8 month Anniversary.


  12. You all are too cute. I love that you do it on a monthly basis. Happy Anniversary. CUte

  13. It's always great I believe to be reminded of a special relationship bonded together by the Lord. Why wait yearly when you can celebrate every month? May the Lord bless you both richly and grant you many, many more anniversaries!!! Take care sister and have a great week ahead.


My thoughts for the day are