Friday, October 8, 2010

Great News! We Have A New Vice President!

Just wanted to pass along some really great news! Our youngest daughter Kailee, is now her school's student council Vice President!

Kailee and her friend Jonnathein were co-campaigning throughout their school for President and Vice President seats on their student council and both of them won.

Since she is super sick today with croup she wasn't feeling very well but this news at least made her smile. Please pray for Kailee to get better soon. We took her to the doctor this morning after she couldn't breathe last night, but thanks to our rescue inhaler and a humidifier we were able to control the symptoms til we could get her seen today.

Congratulations Kailee! We just know you'll make us proud and make your school student body a definite fun one this year!


  1. Best wishes to your daughter, Kailee. I trust she gets better very soon. There seems to be a lot of head colds or drainage going around.

  2. Ah, congratulations to Kailee! Momma and papa must be so proud of her!

  3. Family in high places is a good thing. Congrats all round.

  4. Congrats to dear Kailee, hope she feels better very soon.

  5. That is great news. Congratulations Kailee!

    Feel better soon.

  6. Congratulations to Kailee! Praying she is back to full health soon.

  7. Congratulations to Kailee. Hope she's feeling better soon. Croup is the worst! Relax and enjoy before the VP duties begin.

  8. Congrats to your daughter! How fun!

  9. Congratulations to Kailee...hope she is feeling better VERY soon.

  10. What a beautiful, talented girl! Congratulations to Kailee! I'm sorry to hear though that she's not feeling well. This weekend, weather is even worse with Santa Ana like climate. Praying she's feeling better NOW!!! Have a great weekend sister Kat. God bless and protect you and your family always.

  11. WOHOO! We have a Vice President in the house! Just don't make me follow orders....

    Love you and Congratulations on winning!!!!

  12. It was so nice hearing from you today! I really miss all my bloggy friends.

    Congratulations to Kailee!! How exciting?!!! Hope she's feeling better soon. My little niece has the croup too. She's not even a year old yet. Poor things.

  13. Congratulations! How very exciting! I know you are proud of her.

  14. That is just awesome. Lead them well :) She is beautiful


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