Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More Prayer Requests

Thank you prayer warriors for your immediate response to coming to my request for prayer for Denise last night and even going so far to Twitter about her to your Tweets, links on your blogs, and even dedicated postings on your personal blog. The response has been overwhelming and I truly believe that we will see a healing in this lady's life. If you have read about Denise, click here for her story.

In addition, I've been emailed from others who need our prayers today dear warriors so here are their individual requests:

1. Tabitha whom I introduced you to at I Choose Bliss has this request. These are her own words:

Dear Friends,

In march I had surgery to remove my gallbladder. In preparing for the surgery my doctor checked out my lungs to make sure things were okay as a precaution. I suffer from severe bronchitis and asthma, so he wanted to be safe. Although everything was a go for my surgery 11 days ago he informed me that I have some type of unknown tissue surrounding the top portion of my right lung. I have NEVER been a smoker, so this concerns him very much. As too much damage from bronchitis can lead to a lung disease, which I refuse to utter. I refuse to give this power what so ever.

I am asking you to please keep me in your prayers as my asthma has been on full blast and I have been experiencing shortness of breath more frequently. I will have an MRI done in a few weeks to see if this thing has grown or is as it was. I am no quitter, so please join me in storming Heaven with prayers.

Thank You & God Bless!!

If you would like to visit Tabitha directly, please click here.

2. Mary at Piles of Smiles desperately needs prayers of protection against the enemy that is coming against her family as they go through some difficult issues. Please pray that God will uncover them for what they are and allow the courts to do the right things for her family.

3. Mea whom you all remember from my prayer button on my side bar, my niece, her mom updated me on her progress and I wanted to share it with you:

I wanted to let you know that Mea saw the ophthalmologist last week Wednesday. The vision in her left eye (the weak eye) has improved slightly, which was great news to hear! However, at this point the doctor said as far as her vision improving that it is like “trying to squeeze a drop of water from a rock”. The focus at this point is to get her vision as good as we can get with the 5 – 6 hours a day of patching and once it has reached that “this is it” point…then she will be able to decrease the number of hours she has to patch…but will still need to wear the patch in order to maintain what we have been able to accomplish so far.

Although, I have to say that I felt a bit vindicated that I have been able to allow Mea the opportunity to skip days or not wear the patch for a full 5 -6 hrs/day as prescribed and she still had some improvement. I guess mothers really do know best!! It’s still a daily struggle to get her to wear the patch on the days I ask her to wear it, but each week we work towards a goal like a trip for ice cream or a trip to the nail spa. It’s helping a little…but again, some days are better than others. So that’s the latest with that --- thank you for continuing to keep her in your prayers. I have no doubt that the prayers she gets help provide her the strength to get through the hard days she experiences.

4. Tina at Such A Life As This wanted me to let you in on this sister in Christ as well. Here is the message from Tina:

God certainly sent me to your blog this evening! I just read from a dear blogger friend of mine that her bro-in-law committed suicide in their office last night. Here is their link...

As you can see the need for prayer right now is great and we need all the prayers we can get. My personal thank you in advance for taking the time to lift this prayers up to heaven.


  1. Uplifting all of these beautiful beings in prayer in Jesus' name. Amen.

  2. Lifting all of these up before His throne.

  3. Thanks for sharing these needs. Praying here.

  4. Joining you in prayer for each of those mentioned.

  5. Standing in the gap with you sister Kat. God bless you.

  6. Praying with you for so many!

  7. Prayer is a powerful tool
    and when we pray for others, it gives us a chance stop thinking so much about ourselves and think of others and their struggles.

  8. I am joining you in storming heaven with requests for what these dear ones need.

  9. that lion just keeps prowling around, doesn't he?!!
    prayers for all those listed

  10. Adding my prayers also... God bless!

  11. I will lift them up now. Thanks for sharing. So many are hurting these days. I know of so so many battling so many terrible diseases.

  12. Lifting all these wonderful folks in prayer to our Lord. May they all strive for a closer relationship right now with Him.


My thoughts for the day are