Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Last Christian Giveaway

In the future, it’s possible to live forever but at what cost?

A.D. 2088. Missionary daughter, Abigail Caldwell emerges from the jungle for the first time in her thirty-four years, the sole survivor of a mysterious disease that killed her village. Abby goes to America, only to discover a nation where Christianity has completely died out. A curious message from her grandfather assigns her a surprising mission: re-introduce the Christian faith in America, no matter how insurmountable the odds.

But a larger threat looms. The world’s leading artificial intelligence industrialist has perfected a technique for downloading the human brain into a silicon form. Brain transplants have begun, and with them comes the potential of eliminating physical death altogether – but at what expense?

In the Last Christian, by David Gregory, this near-future science fiction thriller collides with thought-provoking religious themes to create a spell-binding, what if novel. The technology described in this novel is downright scary when you think of the reality of just how close we are to this becoming a nonfiction book. Being a fan of books like this one, it opens the possibility up to just what devastating effects man can have on the world when he tries to play God.

I received this book compliments of WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers and for those of you who love science fiction, Christian suspense thrillers, and this one will have you on the edge of your seat till the last page, literally.

For more information on this book and where to purchase a copy, click on the link below:

You can download the first chapter here for free:

For followers of my blog, I am hosting a giveaway of a copy of this book to one lucky winner. Simply leave me a comment telling me how you think you envision the advancements of technology in the future. The giveaway will end on June 2nd.


  1. Wow Kat - this book looks absolutely incredibly interresting! And as you rightly say, it's probably not that far off....
    I think that "human" technological advances are our biggest threat, every "mad scientist" or "alchemist" has looked for a way to become immortal, but, again as you say - at what price? I often wonder WHY people would WANT to be immortal - if you can't die, you'll never be able to sit at God's feet in Heaven. Sure, I'd love to see my great-grandchildren growing up, BUT, I'd rather do that from Heaven where I can be in His Glory!
    But, I think it's still going to be quite some time before "they" get close to the immortality "answer". (Pity they don't just read their Bible and find the answer there!)
    However, technology grows at such an alarming rate that it really wouldn't surprise me if we were able to "tele-port" from here to the moon in a few years time ;)

    God bless and take care!

  2. This book sounds very interesting my friend. I think the advances of the future will be more dangerous, than good.

  3. While the thought seems scary, it's not so off-based is it? With our growing love for technology and the subsequent 'disconnect' that it brings from people...

    Wow...that's a interesting plot for a book!

  4. I am continuing to pray for your friend, Denise!

  5. That sounds like a very interesting book!

  6. I think technological advancements can be scary. Scientist think they have created a living cell. So will that mean men can create other men? I see God being left out more and more in our society. Instead of all these advancements turning people to the Lord they seem instead to turn them away. I think wsoon people will stop communicating other than with texts. Spelling seems to be going to the wayside.

  7. I love a good suspense book or movie for that matter. I love to try to figure it all out!! :)

  8. Just wanted to let you know I put a link on my current post back to your post for prayers for your friend.

    PS: Thanks for letting me know!

  9. This looks like a great book! Love reading your reviews and composing a mental 'to read' list as I type!


  10. My fear, in this high tech world, is that the knowledgeable advancement may very well jump to such a thing as this. Our society has already crossed many lines in my opinion. Where is the Christianity?? It is in us my friends and we must accept the missions as the Lord sees fit to introduce it and embrace the non-believers.

  11. This book looks so suspenseful full of incredibly interesting twists and turns. Hugs Anne


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