Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Blog and a Prayer Request

This year so far is going to amazing and I can already sense God's hand in everything I do. Like Paul, though I pray for my illness and health to improve, God has not in His timing allowed that to happen just yet. I praise His holy name for He knows when and where this will happen so I am holding on to His promise that He will remain faithful and not forsake me. Thank you so much for all your wonderful well wishes and keeping me in your prayers.

Thank you goes out to Christy Rose at the Secret Life of An American Wife and Mom for sending me a great book entitled PS God Loves You! They are simply messages from God to you. Already I have been so touched and feel God's love just by reading them one at a time. Thank you again Christie for your loving gift.

I wanted to bring to your attention a new venture that my youngest daughter started to improve her writing and give her a chance to share her world with all of you. She started her own blog and would love it if you all stopped by and gave her a bit of encouragement. It's up to you if you want to follow her as well. Here is the link to her blog called Hand In Hand.

The last update is also my most important. My husband, Steve, received a phone call last night about his mom being admitted to the hospital for irregular heartbeat. She was waiting to see if they could stabilize it enough to get her an angiogram to see what is going on in her heart.

Unfortunately as of this afternoon, they are still unable to get her heart under control again. I would love it if you could please lift his mom up in prayer and ask for God's healing hand to slow and restore her heartbeat. I would also ask that the right doctors be directed towards her to offer her the reasons for this issue and that they can find a cure for her to be released from the hospital and back at home. Her name is Vera Smith and I would love for you all to lift her needs up at this time.


  1. Prayers going up! That's kind of worrying alright. I'll stop by and visit your daughter's place, and get my girls to have a look too. You yourself remain in my prayers all the time.
    Thank you for visiting my place too, I really appreciate your words.

  2. I'll add your MIL to my prayers. I'm off to visit your daughter!

  3. Already done for you and your MIL. I visited your daughter's spot too. Her analogy about school was powerful. I'll be visiting her often too. Blessings, SusanD

  4. Asking God to restore your health and your Mother-in-law's.


  5. Praying for you always and your family, and now for bro. Steve's mom. I'm glad that your daughter's blog finally got started! Heading over there now. May God bless and keep all of you.

  6. Kat,

    I have been away from here for toooooo long! I miss you and am so sorry to hear about your MIL! Will add her to my prayers along side of you :)
    How awesome about her new blog! I will be sure to visit and hope to connect with you within a few days
    I love you and can't wait to hear your voice!!!!!

  7. Kat,
    I am glad that you are enjoying the book. I pray that it encourages you deeply. I have one. And, I pick it up and read it all the time. It ministers to my heart so much.
    I will head over to your daughter's blog now and will definitely pray for your MIL. Hope you have a great day.

  8. Praying for your sweet MIL even now.

    In Him,

  9. You and yours are in my prayers!

  10. So much to comment on in this post! First Christy Rose is such a sweet lady and how special it must have been for you to recieve that gift.

    Second...like mother, like daughter. I love to see the same passion in children that is in their parents.

    Third...thinking of your family and MIL through this time. Prayer is a powerful thing.

  11. It is said the good Lord does not put on us more than we can bear, but I am not sure in your case. Things have just got to start taking a turn for the better. Bad things seem to happen to good people. Be strong and hang in there.

  12. Kat, still praying for you, and I will add Steve's mom to my list. Heading over to your daughter's...

    Ha! Word verification says:

    carer cat

  13. I will for sure lift her up now. Thank you for letting us know. Please keep us posted.

  14. The old hymn says,

    OUT times are in Thy hand;
    Father, we wish them there;
    Our life, our souls, our all, we leave
    Entirely to Thy care.

    Our times are in Thy hand,
    Whatever they may be,
    Pleasing or painful, dark or bright,
    As best may seem to Thee.

    Our times are in Thy hand,
    Why should we doubt or fear?
    Our Father's hand will never cause
    His child a needless tear.

    Our times are in Thy hand;
    Jesus, once crucified,
    Now leads His own with tender care,
    Our Shepherd, Guard and Guide.

    Our times are in Thy hand;
    Christ is our Advocate!
    No creature power from love divine
    Our souls can separtate.

    Our times are in Thy hand;
    We'd always trust in Thee,
    Till we have left this weary land,
    And Christ in glory see.

    W.F. Lloyd (1791-1853)

  15. Her blog is so sweet.
    I will pray for your MIL. Also keeping your health in my prayers.

  16. Praying for Vera and You! Happy New year.

  17. oh, i'm sorry to hear that.

    yes, may God heal her. may she "lay her head upon his breast, listen to the rhythm of his unfailing heart of love," may her heart beat become his heart beat, and may she be healed.

  18. Kat I just found your blog and wanted to say hi. Just went and said hi to your daughter on her blog, and sending prayers for your hubby's mom. Its hard are our parents get more aged..tough.
    Stop by and say hi if you get a chance. Oh I see you are high desert, we live near Palm Springs so we are almost neighbors..


My thoughts for the day are