Monday, January 4, 2010

Giveaway and Book Review ~ WOO HOO!

The One Day Way
By Chantel Hobbs

I am sure you have all read one diet book at some point in your life, especially if you are a woman. The problem with most is that they all sound wonderful, promise great incentives and even provide the motivation to get you going. The downfall is usually not in the book, but in us, to keep the program going until we achieve the results we are seeking.

I was given the opportunity to review this book from Chantel Hobbs through Waterbrook Mulnomah Publishers and the concept sounded great. What better way to begin any challenge to lose weight, or to define our bodies that to tackle it differently than any diet book has ever suggested. You do it one day at a time. You set daily goals not weekly, monthly or even exact dress size or pounds lost. What better way to gain success than to do it for one day. How can anyone lose motivation to achieve some form of success on a daily basis? Anyone can do that. I love how Chantel has broken down this book in different parts to provide you with all the tools necessary to guarantee success where in past methods have only led to failure for me.

I know that just making a small change such as giving up fast food for one day for me is a huge accomplishment. Can I do that for one day? Of course, I can. If I can make changes in small steps, I will succeed in this endeavor once and for all. The best part of the One Day Way is that Chantel teaches you to not compare ourselves to anyone else. We are born to compete in anything in our daily lives whether it’s our bodies, our homes, our jobs, we are live in some degree to compete with our friends, neighbors or even perfect strangers. Yet it is that competition that will also lead to our failure because we can never measure up to someone else. We will always want more or something better. However if we simply change the mindset to compare ourselves with only ourselves, we will achieve the results for the right reasons. For example, I want to lose 40 pounds to not only be healthier from a overall weight statistics but I know from past experience, I look and feel great when I weighed 150, not comparing myself to anyone else that I know that has weighed 150.

It is a great must read for anyone that has tried to lose weight and can’t, or who has lost weight only to gain it back again or just those that lack the motivation to even begin with a win in mind. Trust me, I loved this book and would love to give a copy away to anyone who would love to win a copy. Simply leave me a comment on what your motivation is, and why you would think this book may be the final shinning light you’ve needed to make that life change once and for all. I will pick a winner by January 11th and email you to let you know you’ve one, so please make sure I have a way to reach you. Trust me, this is truly worth the money spent to purchase this book.

If you would like more information on where you can purchase a copy of this book from Random House, please click on this link.

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. Don't forget and leave a comment for a entry in the giveaway for January 11th!


  1. What a great idea....single day goals. I can follow that kind of plan, even with my crazy busy schedule. Thanks for sharing this. Blessings, SusanD

  2. What a great give a way!! Daily goals....I love it!! Thank you for sharing this with us. Count me in! God Bless You!!

  3. I so need to get in shape in 2010!
    (That was my goal for 2009 too, but it only slightly happened... I plan to finish this year!)

    Please enter me!


  4. I love it! It's similar to what I started on January 1st...I've been trying to focus on the positive more so each day I am writing one thing I am thankful for and setting a goal for myself for the next day...for instance.." I will compliment three people tomorrow" or "I will wake up with a smile on my face" or "I will run three miles tomorrow". It makes my goals mroe manageable to focus on one a day. It's strange how you reviewed this book today especially in light of my post yesterday about weight issues. I would love to win the book but even if I don't I think I am going to buy it anyway! Just in case is the email...many blessings to you Kat...your bloog always up lifts me!

  5. What a great giveaway.....would love to win it....Hope you are feeling have been in my thoughts and prayers....I need some daily goals..

  6. I just saw this book at our Christian bookstore today. It looks GREAT!

    Throw my hat in the ring!

  7. Quilly just told me about this book yesterday that she would be reviewing it soon. Ohhh so if she does it as a giveaway also double my chance of winning. lol Because I am one of those that their weight is like a yo-yo. Down one year and up the next and the closer I get to 50 theres more years of up than down. Great review and giveaway.

  8. Hi Kat, I agree, small goals..sometimes I get overwhelmed by the big picture..

  9. Hi Kat,

    My motivation is My mom died at 36 and my dad at 55. She had breast cancer and he had a massive heart attack. I am now 37 and feel like I am on borrowed time but I'm not we all are really. Anyway, I inherited her kidney disorder that did not do what the doctors said it would (she had her humor until the end). I swell a lot and according to my nephrolgist I need to lose 40 lbs ( I have 34 go.) I actually lost over the holidays. I have struggled with some depression due to extenuating circumstances and would love an opportunity to get my focus back and in a healthy way!

    God Bless,

  10. Nice review. This book sounds really good and tackling issues in a way that sounds easier. I'm interested in checking it out. Count me in the giveaway.

  11. My motivation is health related. I have been told that there are future greater risks if I don't make a change today.


My thoughts for the day are