Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Leap Year ~ Movie Review

Ever wonder why it always has to be the man to ask the woman to marry him? Why can't a woman ask a man? So enters the premise behind the wonderful movie I had the opportunity to see this weekend.

It stars Amy Adams as a woman whose been involved in a relationship for over 4 years and wonders one day just when her boyfriend played by Adam Scott will pop the question. Over lunch one day her best friend tells her she spots that boyfriend coming out of a pricey jewelry store that is known for engagement rings and both assume a proposal is coming.

Later that night at dinner at a very expensive and romantic restaurant, she is waiting for what seems to be a proposal coming in the forms of various clues from her boyfriend about how much he loves her. Then he places a small, black velvet ring box on her plate and when she opens it, she is more than surprised when earrings are inside.

She then decides to propose to him and agrees to fly all the way to Ireland because tradition claims that on February 29th of Leap Year, a woman can propose to a man. Yet along the way to locating her boyfriend she meets Matthew Goode and their adventure begins.

Since I am fond of buying romantic, chick flick like movies this one will be a must have when it comes to DVD for my library. What a perfect movie to see over Valentine's Day with your loved one if you can wait that long. Don't forget to enter the book giveaway for a copy of Where is God on my blog post for yesterday.


  1. Oh I hadn't even heard of this one, now I want to see it.

    Thank you for the heads up :)


  2. I love these kinds of movies too - can't wait to see this one!

  3. I can't wait to see this either...the trailer looked so good. We don't do a lot of movies so I will probably wait until it comes out on DVD.

  4. It looks so good...

    I loved her in Julie and Julia...Can't wait to go see this one! Thanks for sharing with us

    Love you

  5. I'm excited to see it. I have read several good reviews on blogs that I follow. I have a huge collection too!


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