Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Update on OB-GYN visit as promised!

Just as I promised that I would update all of you after I finished my OB-GYN appointment tonight. After waiting for over an hour and being the last patient to leave his office, I was told that my cysts were not the cause of my pain, that probably endometriosis was. He read through all of my test results that I brought from my ER visits on Monday as well as conducted an internal ultrasound and pap. I was given two options besides birth control which due to my chronic migraines and being in my mid 40's increases my risk of stroke by 40% which was not an option.

The two I was given were for an IUD, another form of birth control but one he said would probably not work very well for the pain.

My last option was an endometrial ablation which is the burning of your uterine lining a simple out patient procedure lasting about 10 minutes but you are also put out to avoid the pain from the burning procedure.

Since I am a huge candidate for fear factor, with fear being my factor in any decision, I am mulling it over and praying for guidance on making the right decision. I am not too comfortable I received a complete diagnosis in my opinion and not sure that even if I proceed with these options that it will end my pain.

So I am asking for your prayers on which path I should take, and for now until then the doctor advised to continue to take my pain meds. Upon calling the pharmacy to see if they were ready, I was told my insurance company would not pay for them because I already received a prescription on Monday and in the insurance companies opinion, it's too soon for a refill. Mind you that my prescription was 1-2 pills every 4-6 hours or as needed. Which for me has meant, 2 pills every 4 hours faithfully since Monday afternoon. The insurance company believes they should last for 4 days. So you can imagine what my phone calls will consist of first thing tomorrow right?

In the process of all of this, I have learned I have some really great support in the blogging community. Not only have I received some great email suggestions and opinions which have helped more than you know but prayers have been the biggest source of comfort for me during this time of frustration and pain. You, all have truly become part of my family.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and if any of you, have had the procedure of an endometrial ablation please let me know how it went via email or comments. I love you all from the bottom of my heart.


  1. I have not but one of my best friends has due to pain and bleeding. It lasted longer then the Gyn anticipated because it was so much more extensive. But she is doing great, the excessive pain she had been experiencing is gone. If you are unsure, why don't you get a second opinion, you can ask your incurance company while you've got them on the phone tomorrow if that is an option!!!
    Still praying for you Kat!

  2. I wish I could help. I know very little about it but it sounds like you have to have endometril ablation. God Bless.

  3. Kat, Thank You for taking the time to update. Both can cause a lot of pain. Cysts and Endometriosis... If it were me I would get a second opinion. I have emailed you. Love you... I am praying for you to be healed. Love you my friend. Audrey

  4. I have endometriosis. I have had a laproscopy twice because of the pain and bleeding. They go in thru the belly button and then use a laser to get rid of all the scar tissue.

    I think that's different from what you mentioned, though. My friend had something where they burn or scrape away the lining.

    I'll be praying for you, my friend.

  5. I had endometriosis from the age of 13 to 29. It led to secondary infertility. The pain was awful. Child-birth was comparable. My fertiblity dr. put me on synarel for 6 months. It put me in "menopause" while my body absorbed the endometriosis (no periods for 4 months). I have never had pain again. If you want his number for a phone consult, send me an e-mail. He graduated from Havard, did his studies at the The Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins University in women issues.

  6. Well Kat, At least you have some answers. I will be praying that God leads you by peace to decide what you should do and that your pain subsides. Thanks for letting us know what you found out so that we can continue to lift you up in prayer.

  7. Dear Kat I am thinking of you and this awful pain. I have a friend who has experienced this and it is not good at all. Praying you make the best decision for you.
    Love Collette xxxx

  8. I haven't gone through this, but a friend of mine did and the ablation helped her. However, the medication that bluecottonmemory mentioned sounds promising as well. I would check into a second opinion. In the meantime, we'll be praying about the decisions you have to make.

  9. Praying for your decision and healing!

  10. Wish I could tell you something helpful, but I can't so I'll just keep praying for you and your decisions and your family!

  11. I have a friend who is a nurse and she had the ablation and it helped a lot. Don't know if that helps you in your decision making. I would recommend getting another opinion since you aren't feeling completely confident. I know time feels like it is of the essence but maybe take the Dec 1 appt and then ask to be put on their waiting list too...that way if someone calls to cancel they can phone you? Just a thought...I'll be praying.

  12. Oh dearest Kat,
    I have not been reading blogs these past days, for my days have been rather booked. But just tonight, I thought of you and decided to drop by.

    So you can just imagine my surprise after I read your three or four recent posts and found out that you have been going through a lot.

    My prayers are definitely with you at this time, dear friend.

    May you feel God's presence and nearness, and above all I pray for His hand of healing to be on you.


  13. Just praying here for you to overcome this and that, may the Lord guide you with your decisions and may His healing and comfort cover you. God bless you sister Kat! Take care...

  14. Hi Kat - I'm on my way out the door so will have to come back to read your post. I've been wondering how you were.

    I just wanted to let you know that you got a mention on my blog today.

    Love ya!

  15. Argh...funny how a insurance company would argue what a Dr. deemed necessary!! Just another glitch in the system. I think it is always good to ponder a Dr.'s advice and wiegh out all the pros and cons.

    Still hope you are getting relief Kat!

  16. Praying that you will get the peace you need to proceed with your options. My friend had endometriosis...very painful. Praying

  17. So I somehow missed this post when I left my comment on the last one...

    Thank God for answers, even though we don't like them.

    I wish I knew more about this procedure. I know you can't keep going on like will pray that you get peace about what to do.

    Love you!

  18. I will continue to pray for you Kat. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Oh Kat, I'm glad you were able to see an ob/gyn. Just wondering if you've thought about getting a second opinion? Usually it doesn't hurt getting a 2nd opinion, unless you're already in pain huh? Just a thought. All in all, I hope your pain goes away ever so quickly. Thinking of you and hoping the Lord gives you rest and assurance. Blesings to you! ~Amy

  20. If your not comfortable with his diagnosis I would definetly get a second opinion. I have been blessed since we moved to have found a wonderful christian ob/gyn. Also, not sure if you have done this but do research online. Look for a Doctor close enough to you that maybe specializes in what your going through. Praying continually for your healing. A testimony I heard last night about a woman diagnosed with cancer. The Doctor told her that it was spread of her entire body and there was no hope for her. She went home and started praying His word. That He says by His stripes We are healed, and that she wasn't going to except the diagnosis. That the Lord or His word doesn't lie and it says we ARE healed. She went to a specialist and the cancer is now in remission and will be treated.

  21. Oh, Kat. You have been on my heart the past few days. I'm believing that God will work this out for His best, and hold you in His arms...

  22. Continuing to pray for you dear Kat.
    Love and hugs to you !!

  23. I'm just catching up now. I'm sorry but I have no suggestions, but I have prayer and will keep at it. Ah the health *care* system... I better not get started on that.

    Love you!

  24. So sorry I have not had time to read any blogs.

    Just read about your rough week. I had a hysterectomy at 32 because of endometriosis. I have never regretted that for one day...Will be praying for you.....

  25. Oh Kat, I'm praying for you RIGHT NOW as I'm typing. GOD IS FAITHFUL! He is with you and His wisdom, comfort, strength and purpose is covering you dear sister.

    Love you.


My thoughts for the day are