Tell me I am not dreaming! That this is just a really bad nightmare of sorts.
On my routine visit back to my primary doctor for a followup from my ER visit on Monday, I get a doctor who simply tells me, "Wow those are some big cysts. Those will need to come out. Have you called your OB-GYN?"
I kindly with soft small words explained that I was informed when I called yesterday, that I was to be seen here first and if they couldn't help me then I would be referred to an OB-GYN. She handed me a list of providers in the area, none of which are within 30 miles of our home, with a smile. She asked if I was taking anything for the pain and I handed her my prescription bottle. I explained when they discharged me they only gave me 20 pills and I am taking 2 every 4 hours faithfully due to the severity of the pain.
She looked at me rather dumbfounded and said, "That's a lot."
I said, "I wouldn't be taking them if it didn't hurt so badly and that was my reason for coming in today. "
Looking at her computer, she began to type in my pharmacy information and asked if 100 pills would be enough?
You know at this point, I wonder who is the knowledgeable person in the room. I kindly said, I am not sure depending on just how soon the OB-GYN would take to see me. Sometimes it takes over 30 days.
She kept typing and said,"Yeah, you're right. So, if you give it til this afternoon, you can pick up your prescription." Besides taking my blood pressure, which she stated is rather high, (Gee, when you are in severe pain, isn't it supposed to be elevated???) and listening to my heart and lungs, she sent me on my merry way.
So I walked out of there shaking my head, wondering if this really all happened?
What did I accomplish in 20 minutes, besides a prescription refill and a list of providers all for the low, low cost of $25.00 for my deductible?
I called the first name on the list and they told me, the earliest they could see me was the 1st of December. Nice huh? Pain meds for a whole 2 1/2 weeks and try to live my life as normal as possible? NOT!
I called the second number and they will see me at 4pm today. Here is hoping for at least an answer to how to get out of the pain, off the medication which is making me super sick to take and still be up and around doing mom like things such as taking my kids to school and home again, working on homework and you name it.
Sure if I could just stay in bed all day, life would be acceptable so I wouldn't be medicated and trying to function. Staying home sleeping has been my new norm, but life must carry on. Let's hope that the OB-GYN I see today will provide me with the answers I seek.
Please pray for me today and if any of you could email me some recommendations of what you went through and how it turned out, I would greatly appreciate it.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Kat, I hope you get some answers todays! I went thru the same thing last year. I had my right ovary removed where the cysts kept forming. It worked for me!!
ReplyDeleteNo name yet for the Little One!!
I know, we are terrible parents :)
Praying for you dear one, hope you get some much needed answers.
ReplyDeletePraying for answers and relief.
I am praying for you, Kat, for answers and quick healing.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you didn't just accept the first appt. for two weeks from now, but kept calling.
ReplyDeletePraying for answers and relief!
Blessings, andrea
Praying for clarity, and for God to lead you where you need to go for a diagnosis, and for complete healing! God bless you...
Kat - I'm so sorry. I'm hoping your appointment this afternoon went well and I'm praying for answers to get rid of the cysts and the pain.
ReplyDeleteKat, this doesn't help you one bit, but my OB-GYN is 12 months out, and it is a 60 mile drive one way. The joys of living on the prairie. BUT....I do not share that to make light of your current situation, and I will start praying right now! I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well and I ask God to provide relief and answers.
OK I am praying right now and asking for the Lord to give the Doctor not only Wisdom but Compassion as well! I am soo sorry you have had such a hard time and are in so much pain! Gosh darnit ~ I am about to get in the car and start driving !!
ReplyDeletePlease call me tonight and let me know what this doctor shared with you ok!
Love you and please know I will be praying and interceding!!
I will say this once again...I am SO sorry that you are going through this. I am hoping and praying that you will get some answers from the Dr. as well...it can be such a frustrating process to begin with(Dr. visits). Hopefully the solution will give you relief from your pain!
ReplyDeleteOh Kat, I am so so sorry to hear all of this. I feel bad for your pain. It also makes me realize how lucky I am. I have some cysts on my ovaries and they do let me know they're there from time to time. But nothing like yours. Update us as soon as you can.
ReplyDeleteOH wow, I'm so sorry to hear it Kat. I can't imagine, nore would I want to!
ReplyDeleteI will be lifting you in prayer for peace, quick answers, quick action, and relief from the pain!
Hey Kat, Sorry you're still in pain. Praying for your healing and relief. Blessings, SusanD
ReplyDeleteIt is hard when you come across some people in the medical field who have lost compassion or even wonder if you're getting hooked with those pain meds when there's a good reason why you need to take them. May the Lord lead you to the right doctor who can help you with this condition. God bless you sister Kat and I pray all went well this pm. Take care.
ReplyDeletewith that kind of pain, you might want to go to the emergency room since NO one else is giving your pain a priority...
ReplyDeletei get angry when I hear of others NOT responding to such issues...praying your 4pm appt is successful for a diagnosis that can be HANDLED and that NO ILL effects will be continuing...I hurt for you!
Kat, Thank You for taking your time to comment on my Hormone post... I Pray for your healing and hope they will find an answer that will work quickly. I have had this pain before too. It has resolved itself when the cyst burst. This time it has taken me longer.
ReplyDeleteI emailed you as to what they have done with my cysts and what they recommend. I am praying for your healing and comfort. Love you, Audrey
Kat, I am so sorry you are going through such hard time. I am praying for you.
ReplyDeletePraying for you dear Kat.
ReplyDeleteOh Kat!!! My heart is aching. I can't believe what you have been going through while I've been "gone". You are most definitely in my prayers and I wait anxiously for news from your OBGYN visit. If I'm not able to do anything else computer wise I will be checking on you. Take care of yourself and
ReplyDeleteGod Bless,
SWAP (Sealed with a prayer)
Kat I am praying for you and your health. I pray that this will be resolved today with a solution for your pain. I am so sorry.
ReplyDeletePraying for you. I can't imagine being in such pain. I don't know if it would help, but maybe a heating pad, it helps other pain. And the pain pills I don't know how your doing it. One tylenol pm knocks me out for at least eight hours. Two pain pills I would be out cold probably for at least two days.
ReplyDeletePraying for those answers & healing.
ReplyDeleteI hope you got the answers you need today, but mostly I hope you get feeling better and the pain goes away. Answers or no answers, it's no fun being in pain. Thinking of you, hang in there!! ~ Amy
ReplyDeleteawww! I'm so praying for you Kat.
ReplyDeleteUGH! How infuriating! Am praying for you right now...that they will get those cysts OUT RIGHT AWAY!!!