Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thankful Thursday ~ September 24, 2009

Ever stop and count your blessings? Each Thursday, thanks to Sonya at Truth 4 The Journey, we all do just that. We link to her blog and share the things during the week that we have been the most thankful for. If you want to join, simply click on her link above and join in the fun.

1. Love ~ I am thankful that God has blessed us with a heart of love to share not only with those closest to us but with family, friends and strangers. Jesus modeled the perfect example of love, unconditionally when He chose to die for all of us for our sins so that we might be saved.

2. Faith ~ I am thankful for my faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Without faith in this world, it would be pretty hopeless and there wouldn't be a point in the future. Faith allows us to see things that we know are real yet can't see. Faith is believing in something better and with God in our life, faith is something we need to get through our difficult days and storms that life presents us.

3. Grace ~ It is only through grace offered by Jesus as a free will gift to us that we have hope for a future. One without death, sin, troubles, tears or worry. We will have a whole new world and a new heaven to enjoy forever with believers in God and our Savior Himself. We can not earn grace it is something you get when you don't deserve it. God offered that free gift to all of us through the sacrifice of His Son to die for all of us. His grace is the greatest gift God ever gave all of us. Why do we choose not to accept it.

4. Trials and Tribulations ~ It is only through tough times, that we can truly focus our eyes upward and call out to God. These keep us humble and trusting in Him for everything. It makes us better people and able to help those that are hurting. We can share those experiences with others because we too have walked in those darkened, lonely and sometimes long valleys. We all come out of it stronger in our faith in God.

5. Salvation ~ It is my ultimate passport and luggage all rolled into one for my eternal home yet to be seen, but constantly being worked on because the Lord has not come home for us yet. So whatever He has been working on for almost 2009 years has got to be something. I mean God created our heavens and Earth in 6 days, imagine what our future home is going to look like after all this time?


  1. I say "Amen" to your list. All our thanks to the Holy One Who alone deserves them all. Happy Thursday to you sister. [[[sister Kat]]].

  2. Praise the LORD!

    The entire list is awesome!

  3. God's grace!! I'm so undeserving but am so thankful. Praise...........

  4. Goodness, just when I get down in the dumps and feeling sorry for myself, all I have to do is look around at the BLESSINGS that God has bestowed on me. And wow, what on earth do I have to complain abouat????

  5. You can never give thanks enough for our many blessings, especially if you have good health.

  6. AMEN!

    I am specifically thankful for the trials in my life. GOD used them to draw me close and mold me into the person I am today. PRAISE GOD for HIS love, grace, and mercy!

  7. The ultimate list...thanks for sharing it with us. I needed a little reminder this week.

  8. All wonderful things to be thankful for.

    Thank you for the sweet comment you left me made me smile, with tears in my eyes :')

  9. It is a wonderful thing to say from the heart that we are thankful for both trials and tribulations. So much can be worked out in our lifes because of them. Great list.

    Thanks too for your comment today about my boys always looking up to me...good to hear when we see them growing so quickly.

  10. Amen....I am thankful for all of these...where would we be without JESUS...

  11. I love this list and sorry just getting to it today! Yesterday was busy!
    I am loving your blog currently, you are writing some really powerful, God inspired stuff and it shines through!
    Love Collette xxx

  12. Kat your list is great and encouarging. Thank you dear one for sharing! Blessings and hugs!

  13. OH I loved them have such a way with words...

    my favorite was Salvation

    "It is my ultimate passport and luggage all rolled into one for my eternal home yet to be seen....."


  14. I just love stopping in always gets me thinking! That's a great list btw.

  15. Beautiful list.
    Your blog is always a blessing to me !

  16. Wow! That is an awesome thankful list Kat! One in which we all could list ourselves. Thanks for the reminder!


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