Saturday, August 1, 2009

The End Is Too Close for Me Today!

I was debating on whether or not to even begin to blog about this, but after all, don't we live for moments to come around in life to blog about. Well today it happened, to ME of all people.

THE END is here!

Whilest skating today with our kids during their skate lessons, all was going well. Three hours into the skating session we were having a great time. Met new friends, feeling good after being so sore for the last couple of days, and our family was together again after Cait finally made it home from Leadership camp.

I was in the process of teaching my daughter, Caitlyn how to begin backwards skating, because, yes, at 45, I am still pretty darn good. I guess you truly never forget the things you learned while growing up.

So the skate floor was pretty crowded since three families were there celebrating their birthdays in addition to your normal Saturday afternoon crowd. I was even pacing myself pretty well so I could make it the entire four hours without need of an oxygen mask or CPR. I am 45 after all.

Well I got myself wedged between the wall which is where most of the wall walkers go. You know the ones just learning how to skate so they walk or skate while holding on to the wall. I was skating backwards, looking where I was going and then realized just how tight things were getting, and to avoid taking out a little girl next to me, I attempted to turn around. Too late! I had no room to rotate and before I knew it, WHAM!, not the band, but the sound I heard when said tailbone meets the solid wood floor.

I saved myself from hitting my head, thankfully but not before realizing as severe pain shot up my spine into my brain as well as down both my legs. Hubby came by and stopped to help me up but I sat there, honestly wondering if I would be able to stand.

It hurt that much and things felt like they were going numb. All I knew was I had to get off the floor and sit down, if that was even an option. I knew at that very instant, I was done. I even said that to Steve as he helped me up.

I hobbled off the floor and cringed as I attempted to sit down. Since we know most of the people that work there, Mark, the DJ, stopped by and asked how I was doing. I told him honestly, not well. He completely understood and offered me a free drink ticket and told me that Coke seems to magically make it all better.

My youngest, Kailee, went and got me an ice pack, but seriously in the middle of a family skating rink, where was I going to put the ice pack?? I placed it on my wrist since I supposedly put it down to help catch myself.

Steve helped me take off my skates and offered to help me to the car. My biggest fear was just the thought of walking.

Long story short, and an Urgent Care visit later, cracked my tailbone, on heavy pain meds and off my feet for at least a week if I can manage it. No sitting is prescribed. So I lay here in bed, typing this small request of you reading this, to please pray that the healing takes place a little bit faster than normal and I refuse to let the enemy steal my joy while recovering.

Still smiling however despite the ever increasing pain!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you're in pain, Kat. My prayers are for your complete, and quick, healing, and that you'll be back skating with your family soon, better than before! Take care and God bless you!

  2. Oh how awful! Thank goodness you haven't done major damage but how sore must you be,and yet you remain joyful!
    An example to us all.
    Will pray for you.
    Collette xxx

  3. Oh dear Kat, just as you were really enjoying skating. Oh, I will really pray for you. And thank you for not losing your joy.

    I do love your posts, and I've always wondered where you get your pictures. I mean the ones that I assume you didn't take yourself.

    Thank you for sharing this. And I also beg to disagree, it's not the end, and you're not done for! No, not at all.

    Better things are surely coming your way!

  4. A friend of mine broke her tailbone a few years ago and I remember how uncomfortable she was. Glad you are remaining positive and I'll be praying!

  5. Kat ~ Sorry to hear of your fall.

    May you feel the healing Light and Peace of Jesus surrounding and flowing through you.


  6. Oh my stars.....that sounds utterly dreadful. I'm not a skater, want nothing to do with it, but I enjoy watching others. Not f-u-n for you in the next few days but I am thinking that OUR God will show You Himself in a mighty and powerful way. Praying!! Lovingly, Yolanda

  7. Stay in bed and let the meds help take care of the pain while it heals. Be a good girl now.


  8. That my friend, sounds like a pain in the rear, literally. I am so sorry to hear it! My husband always says the difference between adults & kids, is that kids bounce. They hit the floor, and boing back up. Adults, not so much.

    Poor you! Pray you get better soon. :-)

  9. I love to skate (roller not ice). we took the kids a few months ago to a party. Although I was better than some adults, I was not nearly as good as I once was. I didn't crack my tailbone, but I was awful sore the next day.
    Hope you heal soon

  10. Adding you to my prayer list! Hope it heals quickly!!!

  11. You're probably smiling BECAUSE of the pain meds! I like how you can still be funny despite your situation and pain "WHAM!, not the band, but the sound I heard..."

    Praying for you!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  12. Oh my dear one....OUCH! I used to love rollerskating as a kid! Loved the roller-rink!

    I am so sorry that you are laid up in bed for a week. Do hope the pain is not tooooo terribly.

    Want to thank you for all your encouragment!!

    Praying for a speedy recovery.

    ((((Gentle hugs))))

  13. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I too love the way you write and express your thoughts. What really was a pleasant surprise was that you live in Victorville. I lived in Victorville for 21 years, before the Mall and all of that. There's a whole story behind my moving and too long and deep to go into here.

    I hope that your bum feels better soon. A cracked tailbone is probably the worst type of pain there is. Not being able to sit??!! I don't honestly know if I could make that happen.

    Feel better soon!

  14. Dear L-rd I lift my sister up to you and ask that you heal her quickly. Give her strength to do what the doctors have ordered and may there be others to bless her in her time of need.

    For thine is the Kingdom, the power forever and ever-Amen

    I hope your recover is a quick one!

  15. Praying for a quick recovery! Keep that positive spirit! Love you sister Kat! God bless.

  16. Oh my friend. I feel for you. I too have hurt my tailbone and it is a painful experience. I pray that yours will heal quickly.

    I had to laugh about the ice pack. I can just picture if you had just sat on it!

  17. Oh Kat!!!! I am sooo sorry but I know this.....
    #1 You are NOT OLD :)
    #2 as much as you love skating with your family I bet you are not done just maybe not as often but you are such a family "momma" you will find your place in this too
    #3 I love you and wish I could give you a big hug and sit with you and "chat" face to face. I know your honey is taking such good care of you and I am sooo thankful for that!!

    Rest and stay off your tush :) ok!!

    and btw thankyou for YOUR KIND words this morning!! I truly thank the LORD for you and for your friendship! I will be praying continually!

  18. Update on Kat!: I am finally awake and realizing that much like a car accident, you don't realize how much you really hurt til the next day.

    I am happy to save I lived through the night much to the saving grace of strong pain killers, Norco, I believe they were.

    But I am up and have a fabulous family to watch over me today and you are all so amazing that besides my family, your prayers and comments were the first thing I woke up to this morning and I was deeply touched.

    Thank you so much for all your wonderful heartfelt comments, well wishes and prayers. I too am adding mine to the heavens today.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  19. Oh...I am so sorry! Praying for a speedy recovery! Big hugs to you!

  20. Oh no! I hope you are on the mend, and quickly. That can NOT be fun. I am really enjoying your blog and am going to hop on over to Lemonade Skies as well. I'm really thinking I need to retitle my blog. It's a boring title, plus I'd like to get my name out of it. I've been thinking that for a while, and you have confirmed it--I need something catchy. But now the pressure's on!! What to name it???? Anyway, I'm glad I found your blog.

  21. Kat, Thank You for joining my blog, I have joined yours as well. I LOVE reading it and look forward to getting caught up on your posts. I am so sorry you are hurting. That sounds so painful. Prayers and Thoughts are with you as you recover. Many Blessings,

  22. Oh Kat, I am so sorry about your bottom! :) I will pray that you recover quickly and are back out there with your kids in no time at all.
    I just read your comment and I am glad that your family is taking good care of you. At least you can still type and visit all of us! :) Keep smiling!

  23. Hi Kat,

    Oh how I cringe when I read your post because I've been their and done that. If my memory serves me well I believe that it took me several weeks before my tail bone healed and the pain stopped.

    If you don't have it you really might need a donut shaped pillow with a hole in the middle for sitting and also several ice packs in the freezer on hand to help ease the pain. Especially for the next several days or weeks

    I'm so sorry that this accident happened and I'll keep you in my prayers.


  24. Oh, Kat.

    How awful. I am sorry I did not hear of your accident until now. After being away for the weekend I have spent the day catching up and doing all the canning I left behind on Saturday.

    I can not imagine the pain you must be feeling. I thank the Lord that it is not more serious, yet. And I praise Him for a family to look after you...and your cheerful spirit, despite your discomfort. My prayers for a very speedy recovery with the least amount of pain possible, are with you.


    The other Kat

  25. Oh my goodness. I am SO sorry, Kat. I fear that kind of thing happening to me when I go roller skating. I love to pretend I am still that girl who did all the skate moves.

    I have a friend who broke her tailbone twice and she still struggles with sitting long periods. But that doesn't stop her from living well.

    I pray that you will continue to praise God during this time of rest and pain. I hope your pain flees and fast!

    Lord, please heal and restore Kat's body to normal. Use this week to minister deep truths to her heart. She's yours. Fill her with your loving presence during this time. Send the right people to help and comfort her as needed. In Jesus name, Amen.

  26. Okay, yes, I'm totally laughing right now. But I'm not laughing at your pain, it's more of a 'yeah, I've been there' laugh. Hurts, doesn't it? Did you get yourself a donut pillow to sit on when you're able to be upright again? Yeah, we don't bounce as well as we used to, do we?


My thoughts for the day are