Sunday, August 2, 2009

Blog of the Week! ~ Lemonade Skies

I don't quite remember how I wound up at her blog but I can honestly say that interesting blog titles are really what make me hop instantly over to most peoples blogs, and Annette's perked my interest like no other.

So today like every Sunday I want to take the opportunity to introduce you to a new blogging and beautiful friend that I have come across although some of you may have already met her, I want to introduce you all to Annette, author of a brilliantly beautiful blog called Lemonade Skies. If you haven't had the opportunity to stop by her blog, I really wish you would especially after reading this. We could all use a few extra friends and the encouragement that you have all been so kind to show me, I want to spread around.

So without further hesitation, let me welcome Annette:

My name is Annette and I live in a small town in southern Ohio along the Ohio River. I have been married to my best friend Jim for 24 years and together we have a gorgeous daughter and the most adorable 10 month old grandson! We are also parents to two ankle biting dogs and two cats!

I held a full-time job outside the home all of my adult life and hated most every minute of it. In 2006, I finally had the opportunity to do what I've always dreamed a stay at home wife and mother. Home is where I'm the happiest. I love decorating my home in primitive decor and strive to make it comfortable and cozy.

I have many hobbies. I enjoy cooking, reading, crochet, knitting, photography and absolutely love scouring yard sales, auctions, and flea markets for a bargain!

I love God, my church and my awesome church family. I am struggling to find out what God has planned for me in this life. My husband tells me to relax and let God lead that's what I'm trying to do!

1. How did you come up with the unique name, Lemonade Skies, for your blog?

Without going into alot of detail, 2008 was an extremely stressful year for our family. You could say I had the "poor me's" and was a bit angry at God. I felt that our whole married life had been one struggle after another and it seemed that others around us had the perfect life with no worries or troubles. (So not true!!)

To cope with the stress of a unmarried, pregnant daughter that had moved back to the empty nest, I would tell myself the old saying, "When life gives you lemons..make lemonade".. and then I would throw in "and reach for the sky!" Hence the name, "Lemonade Skies".

It is a reminder to me that God always has a plan for may not be what we had planned for our life at that particular time...but He doesn't make mistakes. I look at my beautiful grandbaby and know he is meant to be here! He fills my days with love and laughter and I am richly blessed.

2. Why did you begin blogging?

I had been lurking at a couple of blogs for about a year and wanted to have my own blog SO bad. Finally, I told myself that I was going for it. This would be an opportunity for me to do something for myself and would also be good for my soul.

3. If we visited your state, what are three things we simply must do while we are there?

1. A must see is "Tecumseh!" ... the Ultimate Outdoor Drama. This is the most awesome outdoor drama you will ever see. For more info go to

2. My hometown is the birthplace of the legendary Bob Evans of the Bob Evans Restaurant chain and the infamous Bob Evans Sausage. He and his wife Jewell raised six children on the family farm. The Homestead is now on the National Register of Historic Places.

3. Ohio State Buckeyes!! Go Bucks!! If you live in the state of Ohio you LOVE the Buckeyes. On any Saturday during football season we Buckeyes can be found at the stadium watching a game or having our friends at the house for food and football!
There are really many things to do in my was hard to list only 3.

4. What is your favorite part about blogging and your worst part?

My favorite part of blogging has to be the wonderful people I have crossed paths all are awesome!

I love most everything about blogging but if I had to pick my least favorite part it would have to be my lack of knowledge of HTML. I have ideas for my blogs but don't know how to implement them....I'll keep working on it!!!

5. If you could be born in any era 1920s, 30s, 40s, etc, what period of time would it be and why?

I would have to choose the 1800's. I think I must have been a pioneer in another life! LOL I am so intrigued with the pioneers and their way of life. I admire their strong work ethic, love of God and high moral standards.

I want to personally thank Annette for being so kind and generous for opening herself up and honor us all by letting us know even more about her and her inspiring blog, Lemonade Skies! Won't you please stop by and welcome her?


  1. Sounds great...I am going over to check it out.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. This post was fun to read. Hope you are having a great weekend. Many Blessings,

  3. Kat...I love that you do this each Sunday...what a fun way to find new blogs to read. I love this blog...thanks for sharing. Also..thank you for all that you contribute to my blog...I love reading your comments...they are always so uplifting!

  4. Thank you for the featured blog this week. What a way to know others! God bless.

  5. I'm a big fan of dear Annette already! I'm fairly new to her blog but enjoy it very much. We both live in the Beautiful Buckeye State!! So nice of you to feature her today!!☺

  6. I'll be popping over to her blog! Thanks! :)

  7. What a sweet♥ U are for you kind comment and for following my blog...right back at ya!♥♥♥♥♥

  8. I hope you were laying down when you posted this! Hope your recovering from your fall and doing well.

  9. Kat,

    Saturday night, I encouraged a dear friend to start a blog. I hope and pray it will help her work through some of life's difficulties with the love and support we find in our blogging world. If you would like to check it out, go to:

    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  10. Love this post - thanks and I look forward to reading Lemonade Skies.

  11. Thanks for this feature, a great idea! I took a look and am glad to have discovered a wonderful blog.

    Hope you are feeling better Kat.
    Collette xxxx

  12. this was great-
    Thanks for the intro.

  13. Thanks for the introduction and the interview Kat! I will go and meet Annette now!

  14. sounds like a great gal! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I would have visited here based on the name alone. Looking forward to see what's going on over in Lemonade Skies.


  16. I'll go and say hi. I love the name Lemonade Skies.

    Kat, you are an amazing friend to many. Such an encourager. Thank you for giving to others like you do.




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