I awoke this morning a lot different than other mornings this week to more pain. Yes, just when I thought I might be able to wean myself out of bed, other than taking a shower, and possibly join life outside my bedroom, my body had other plans. "Not today!" it said. Which has left me feeling a little lower than dirt on my floor if it hadn't been vacuumed up by my daughter earlier.
Then this morning, life handed me my second lemon. Blogger and Goggle were the target of an attack today according to the BBC news and I wasn't able to log in for hours. I could see the contents of my dashboard page, but couldn't visit other blogs, view my own, and even post comments. My life preservers today were Loren and Kat who emailed me to tell me that I was not alone in the sea of blogging hell. I had to make room as they climbed in with me.
Yet like most storms at sea, shining moments prevailed, first the issue with Blogger was resolved, and the Google mess was eliminated as I remained watchful and commenting on both the Blogger Help Forum and Google's as well. We were rescued.
Once back on board our ship, I was treated to no warm blankets and coffee, well kinda sorta but two amazing blog awards. The first, bless my life boat buddy was from Kat at Art's Chili. She is my soul sister on the east coast that I have so much in common with, we just have to be related. She passed along the True Heart Award above. I am to pass this award along to:
"Those who receive this award are of the sweetest nature. They are kind, friendly, funny, loving, eager to share their love for Jesus with others, and brave in their efforts to reflect Him to this darkened world. They are the kind of folks you're blessed to know, even if it's only in the bloggy-sphere."
The good thing about this is I can pass this along to as many or as few as I want. So without further hesitation I am passing this torch to:
1. Sharlyn at Dancing on Rainbows.
2. Migraine Mom.
3. Lisa Shaw at Sharing Life with Lisa.
4. Michelle at Psalm 104:24.
5. Warren at Family Fountain.
6. Christina at Luvin This Life.
7. Sea Glass Reflections.
8. Charlotte at Simply Divine Love.
9. Lidj at Crown of Beauty.
10. Andrea at Arise 2 Write.
11. Rosel at Off the Beaten Trek.
12. Loren at The Magoo's News
13. Tiffany at Tea with Tiffany.
14. Yolanda at Higher Grounds
15. Steve at Gotta Have Faith
Here is what all of you need to do. Pass this award along, please. Don't let it sit in your blog, thinking you don't deserve it, accept it in God's glory for the work you all do everyday you blog, and pass it along to someone else that you believe needs to know that their work isn't going un-noticed and don't tell people to come and get it either. We all know these bloggers aren't selfish to just take, then want to be like you and get it first hand from someone, it means something then.
When you list it on your blog, please head on over to them, congratulate them and let them know that they have this award so they can pick it up at your site. Otherwise they will never know.

WAIT, I am not finished yet. That was just my warm cup of coffee I received on the life boat, I also got a blanket remember. That was courtesy of Country Mom who passed along this lovely little award, called the Loyal Friend and Visitor Award. If you haven't been to her blog, please do. It is as warm and welcoming as it sounds and we all need more people visiting our blogs and leaving comments, otherwise we would never know people are stopping by.
Again this blog comes with no limits on the amount of people you can pass this on to, and for me the winners are:
1. Kat at Art's Chili.
2. Loren at The Magoo's News.
3. Annette at Lemonade Skies.
4. Tiffany at Tea with Tiffany.
5. Andrea at Arise 2 Write.
6. Rosel at Off the Beaten Trek.
7. Lidj at Crown of Beauty.
8. Mari at My Little Corner of the World.
9. Silver at Reflections
10. Jennifer at Through the Storms of Life
11. Leslie at Writing for the Lord
12. Collette at Jesus Loves Mums
13. Christy at The Secret Life of an American Wife and Mom
14. Lisa at Sharing Life with Lisa
15. Amy at Filled with Praise
You need to pass this award on to those loyal followers that comment, and follow you no matter where you go, offer a kind word when you need to hear it, and just keep encouraging you on to take that next step. Please once nominated, go and tell them about their award as well and let them know how much they mean to you as all these people have.
I would have just copied and pasted by who list of blogs I follow and who follow me, but then again its not fun to just hand them all out yourself, you need to spread the love around. SO please let people know that you care and thank them for following you too!
OK, now I am officially done, don't forget to click on my captions contest and enter to win! No purchase necessary and you can enter as many times as you want.
Oh dear Kat...what a lovely heartwarming surprise. Just when I needed it. And the fun thing is that the two awards are so unexpected!
ReplyDeleteMuch better than authentic Hawaiian Kona or Columbian or Lavazza Italian (my favorite)coffee is the love and the encouaragement of a friend.
I too experienced blogging issues with blogger yesterday. It is said that blogger and google, facebook and twitter were the targets of a malicious and vicious attack from... I dare not say it. Never mind. Cyberspace has ears and eyes!
Love you, love you Kat. I am really enjoying my blog friendship with you although it is just a fairly recent one.
Love (again!)
Congratulations on receiving two lovely awards! You deserve them both. I've enjoyed getting to know you here! Thanks for passing one on to me.
ReplyDeleteI was home most of the day today and had no trouble getting onto blogs of google. Isn't that odd?
Praise our LORD for He is worthy to be praised. I'm so blessed dear Sister in your love and warmth and your desire to share it with all of us.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations unto GOD's glory for the two beautiful awards you were blessed with. It further reflects how much GOD uses you to bless all of us.
I'm deeply moved that my blog has received these from you and to be counted amongst other family in Christ who love the LORD and write for His glory. There are SO many that I couldn't even list them.
It's just awesome that GOD has allowed the tool of the Internet to be used for His glory when used by His people.
I love you and I don't take for granted your visits and your precious encouragement. I thank GOD that He provided two sisters today to love on you while you were feeling blue. I pray continued healing and recovery over your body in Jesus Name and may the days ahead be filled with the JOY OF JESUS always.
I love you and thank you dear sister.
I thought I had a virus in my computer earlier. My hubby told me that a hacker attacked Google's system. Oh my! It was so frustrating to try to even get to my own site.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine our lives without it because this is one way we know of in sharing about our good God.
So, that was just timely that you had received those 2 nice awards because you're one of those I had known for a long time "blogging for Jesus". So, congratulations!
And thank you from my heart for always sharing these wonderful blessings with me. I had been lagging in posting them and I apologize.
Have a great weekend sister Kat! God bless you and your family!
Meow! that's surprise! Coz..i am quite falling behind in so many.....so that's quite a honour for the blogs i have made it to.. (like this one..hehe)
ReplyDeleteCongrats Kat and thks!
I see that you have this cool slider so the Awards just stay in one place..hmm, someday i should do that under the gadgets too. Never quite get around it.. so it's a lot like the rest of my stuff now. Scattered!!!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the award! You definitely deserve both of these! You're always leaving comments of kindness!
I will pass this along in a few days. I have one more day of the conference to attend. It has been fun, and I've learned a lot but am exhausted!
I pray that you're feeling better soon and will heal quickly!
Hugs and Blessings, Leslie
thanks. You're such a sweet darling! i am learning to be a little less orderly for now.. so i am going to try to enjoy the "mess" for a bit longer..;P
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the awards. Enjoying your blog immensely.
ReplyDeleteI am soo sorry you had such a bad day! I am continuing to cover you in prayer and asking for healing over your body! Sooo glad they were able to get our blogs working....man I would HATE not being able to talk with you or share our blogs with our friends....
Thankyou for the wonderful awards and you are so VERY deserving of both! I am honored that you would include me in these. I adore you so!!
Jesus is the head of our lives, our blogs and our friendship and I know that you blog for and unto HIM, this.....is why I love you!
Kat, Thank you so much for the award, but more than that, for your continued interest in following my blog, particularly the posts on Uganda. I look forward to your comments. You are too sweet! Keep up the great job of encouraging others!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for a lovely award and well done on your two received!! I heard about the attack on google twitter etc! Scary stuff isn't it? I heard it was a Georgian blogger or something!!!!
ReplyDeleteCollette xxx
Thank you so much! You are such a sweet person and you are very deserving of your award. I look forward to check the other bloggers out.
Kat..thank you so very much. It's been so hard to be a loyal blogger this summer...I just feel like there are not enough hours in the day. If I want to be the best mom, wife and counselor I want to be than I just can't spend as much time as I want on the computer and I feel frustrated when I can't be smart, funny or witty on my blog. I can always count on you to be there with your comments and your encouraging words. I am so glad that you found my blog and I that I in turn found yours. I am trying so hard to be more thankful and find God everywhere in my life. Not just in church on Sunday...reading your blog and those of your followers has helped me in my quest. Thank you so much for being you and helping me to be a better me. Much blessings.... Jen
ReplyDeleteKat, Thank You so much for the kind mention, and adding me to your blogroll. I love all the Thoughtful Comments on my blog. You never know who or if anyone is reading until they offer a prayer or kind word. Many Blessings, to you. You are a blessing!!! I love your blog:)
ReplyDeleteKat, Congratulations on your True Heart Award!!! Blessings,
ReplyDeletePlaced on JOY COMES IN THE MORNING this afternoon. Thank YA again!