Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Update to Hubby's Blog!

Thanks for all of you that decided to follow my hubby's blog. He recently changed his blog address so I don't think you are getting his posts. Can you all delete him and re add him. Poor thing, I see him post blogs but no ones commenting on them except me, until I realized what he had done and possibly why no one is commenting.

If you need his blog site again I have linked it here at Gotta Have Faith. I tell you, he is going to give me a run for my money when it comes to competing at our writing abilities. I think he is great!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat


  1. Thanks for the info... I will have to head over.

  2. Didn't know your hubby is blogging? If I did, I forgot. Great. More lights shining brightly.

  3. Remember..I am your techy challenged friend...I do NOT know how to delete your hubbys orginal blog address.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

    PS: tell him not to confuse me like this...lol

  4. Thanks for splashin' around with me today. Your encouragement and kind words blessed me tremendously. I just began this blogging adventure, but continue to be delighted at the new friends God brings across my path.

    Besitos (little kisses),
    Sarah Dawn

  5. I played a game of tag with your blog title. Come check it out when you get a chance


My thoughts for the day are