Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Ah here it is, Thursday morning again and time to spend thinking about the things I am most thankful for this week.

1. Thankful that God forgives. Too many times throughout my day, I find myself in need of so much improvement and at the beginning of each day is another opportunity to try again. I am thankful I get another opportunity to be a better person today.

2. I am thankful I have a working computer and internet access. It keeps me connected to family and friends even though time keeps up apart at the present, people working and carrying on throughout their day, but the internet gives you the opportunity to reach out and say, I am still thinking about you!

3. I am thankful that 4 of my nephews finals are out of the way. I spent 12 hours yesterday helping him cram for a 500 point History final, so I was showing him how important reviewing past quizzes and using reviews can really help you pass without all that memorizing. 2 more to go and we can put that baby to bed! :)

4. I am thankful I have a family to love and care for. Too often I take them for granted. That I will see my hubby sometime during the day, and at some point my daughter will rise from her slumber and grace us with her appearance. Since school is technically out for her, sleeping in is a must. I am thankful I can make them meals, clean the house, and keep things in order so it's one less thing for them to worry about.

5. I am thankful for freedom. I feel living here in the United States we forget how fortunate we are. For hundreds of years, people have sacrificed so much to give us the freedoms we know take for granted. We can wake up and not have to worry about bombs or missiles possibly taking out our home. We can walk the streets and go to the malls, where first of all we can buy what we need and it's available. Especially clean water and fresh food. Thank you God for letting me live in a country that has been blessed by Your goodwill and provisions that I can call home each night. Thank you for watching over us and keeping us safe. Thank you for my freedom.


  1. Love your lists. I'm thankful, too re:no.5. Have a great, blessed Thursday sister! Love and blessings.

  2. Love your list...I have to agree with #5 too! Living is a free country is something that I truly an thankful for!

  3. I am thankful you are my friend!! GOD BLESS, andrea

  4. Wow...12 hours of helping your nephew study?! You are a saint! At least it was history rather than math! I hope he does well.

  5. Thank you for reminding us of all the things to be thankful for - little and big!

    Good luck with those last couple of finals! :)

  6. Just like past quizes help prepare us for final exams, the challenges we face each day help prepare us for days that are tough. I'm so glad that God is the one who knows all the answers and guides us with wisdom and grace.
    Blessings ~ Lisa

  7. Beautiful list Kat and #1 and #5 is so right on!

    I'm thankful for the constant Goodness and Mercy of GOD in all areas of my life and that of my loved ones and the body of Christ and over this nation.

    May we all bless GOD.

    Love ya.

  8. Thank you for sharing this list, Kat... freedom, family, forgiveness, friends! Yes, I am thankful for those too!

    And what a great way to help loved ones review for exams... I am sure they love you for your time and help.

    Hope you have a meaningful Sunday...


My thoughts for the day are