Well I can't believe it but it's finally here! Yes, it's official! Steve and I have officially broke my relationship record and have been married now, today, 11 years! We are definitely more happier today than when I first met him. So today I thought I would reflect on where those 11 years have gone and look forward to even more happier years ahead.
I met him in October of 1995, when I was working as a Technical Supervisor for L.A. Cellular, now AT&T Wireless. I was coming in as his boss. Let me tell you that entire department that had applied for the position was losing out on that opportunity for some girl, that probably didn't know the least thing about service.
In all honesty they were right on some points. I didn't know what it took to be a manager of service, but I did know how to do all the things they did. I spent quite a few years being teased about being the first girl in wireless or cell phone installation. It was a brand new field for women. So I had to deal with the guys not helping out, being resentful and so forth. Back to Steve.
So I remember walking into the service bay that day and being told before hand what a trouble maker he had been for the store manager. Always getting into fights, bad temper, you name it. Let's just say he wasn't the person I really wanted to deal with. So I walked in and saw this person behind a counter, wearing a black leather jacket and the most amazing blue eyes ever! It's funny but I saw something that day in those eyes, call it looking into his soul, but I honestly believe that God revealed his true character to me that day. He was someone who really cared about people and had a heart of gold.
We became fast friends as I was still married at this point and on the verge of asking my current husband to move out, due to his unfaithfulness. After 10 years with him it was time to draw that chapter closed. So Steve became one of many people that helped me through one of the most difficult stages of any one's life, the divorce of a long marriage and child custody issues.
He became my best friend over the next three years with us offering advice to each other during subsequent relationships both of us would be involved in. He was living with his current girlfriend and making a move away from our department some 1 1/2 away in Palmdale. It was one of my lowest moments, even though I wasn't losing a best friend, I knew we wouldn't meet for breakfast at Green Burrito, go for Chinese Food at lunch or catch a movie whenever either of us wasn't busy.
We finally decided after those three years that we were better off being together than apart and each called off our current relationships and moved in together. We took a much needed trip to Hawaii as friends just to see how things would work out as well as give ourselves time to rethink what was really important to us without all the day to day hassles of work and family.
He proposed on December 17th of 1997 and we married in February 9th of 1998 in Lake Havasu City with his mom, dad and aunt watching in a courthouse. Times were tough for us and with so much money potentially going to be spent on a wedding and reception, his parents decided that if we really loved each other, it shouldn't be about money but just being together. So we celebrated our day by going to Carl's Jr and having a combo meal, I still have that cup! We wrote on it that day that it was our official wedding glass, and we got married in jeans and T-shirts. No need to have that dress cleaned and I was still able to wear it long after we got married.
His parents got us a hotel room in Laughlin that weekend, and we just spent those days like every other one since then, being with our best friend. For the last 11 years, we celebrate every 9th of the month with cards, or simply saying, "Happy Anniversary" and we try to be the first to say it. We have spent some of those nights away from each other thanks to work, but we always find the time to say it or send a card or note along for the other to find. We never take each other for granted.
We have had our ups and downs and times where I didn't think we would make it, but I can say without a doubt that I have never loved anyone as much as I love Steve! I find security in him that I have never had in any relationship and I know that he really cares for me and our family. His love is never wavering and I know I will remain with him not only in this life but in all eternity as well as my best friend forever. BFF's!
We spent this weekend, shuttling kids back and forth to the mall, when we were planning on at least having lunch together. That didn't work out unfortunately! We had our car break down Friday afternoon on Steve while he was on his way home. He spent about 3+ hours taking the car to Saturn in Ontario and getting a ride home because we let our automobile card lapse. So $ 645.00 later, we picked up our car on Saturday with a new fuel pump and headed home to spend our anniversary at home. Today he left at 6:30am to spend the day in Bakersfield and may not make it home tonight, but I still love him. I love him because he is still my best friend and we can still find something to laugh about.
He is the person I want to grow old with and spend every day I can with, all with God's help. I could never love someone so much if I didn't have faith in God. He teaches me what it's like to love unconditionally and I model it daily in my marriage. So Happy 11th Anniversary honey! I love you forever and infinity for all eternity!
Love, Me
1 comment:
My husband and I are best friends and cherish our time together. His first wife died and I spent my first marriage of disaster in pain. I, too realize the awesomeness only GOD can give in a marriage where each person loves and cherishes the other. GOD BLESS both of you on your continued journey together. Andrea
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