Thursday, May 2, 2019

Working with My Dad

As most of you know, the relationship with my Dad had developed over the years to allow us to work together on establishing one that would work well for us both without revisiting the past. I have to say out of all those years of not talking, God has worked a miracle.

You see growing up with my Dad had been challenging at best. Always feeling like I never measured up and trying so hard to make him notice me by making me proud really wore on my self esteem, especially when the results were not what I had hoped or half-hearted at best.

Time has a way of wearing down some of our harsh edges and being a Christian definitely helped me to foster a forgiving heart for him not measuring up to the way I believed he should have growing up. In fact its sad to see how many relationships remain broken because neither party wants to forgive the other or feel like they need to make up for all those short comings.

When I called my Dad it was to make things right again because God put the ownership on me, that I knew better as a Christian what should be done. Even though he was the parent, the idea of winning him over and restoring a relationship had to begin with me. In fact, if it didn't, well I got to tell God, "Hey, at least I tried." Yet it was that attitude that made all the difference in working on the restoration we have developed over the years now. Time has worked hard on both of us to make us more open to working out our differences instead of letting them come between us.

I actually LOVE the man my father is now more than growing up. Perhaps it is all that lost time that can't be made up for that has soften my Dad. I am more proud of him now, than before as well. Not only recognizing the sacrifices he had made by joining the Navy so young and even more so how he continues to serve his country as an Honor Guard for Riverside National Cemetery representing the Navy in providing honors to those that are finally going to their heavenly home.

God has also opened the doors to allow my Dad and I to collaborate on his talents as a wood worker and now I have the honor of selling his hand made walking sticks or canes in a replica .45 with a light or dark finish and choice of military emblems or none at all. Made by a veteran for veterans of the armed forces and providing him with a way to earn a little money on the side. You can see the wonderful canes below and if you know of someone who walks a lot, takes their dogs out for walks or just looking for a great gift to bestow upon someone in the military, I ask that you support him via my shop! If you want something a bit more custom, contact me at and I'd be happy to work with him and you to make that an amazing gift for someone special. 

I was even able to capture my Dad on video talking about them and his time in the military.

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful. Isn't it amazing what God's love can do in a person's life!


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