Thursday, March 29, 2018
Roadblock Ahead
Today is a day find with a lot of unknowns.
While waiting for a call from my doctor's office about my test results, I told my husband, I didn't think the results would reveal anything and that in their opinion, everything was normal. While crying I began to explain to him that my biggest fear was facing this road of jumping through so many hoops to find someone, (1) who is willing to listen, (2) someone who will work with me to find a solution, (3), someone who will believe I have a serious pain problem and not just looking for the next pain prescription.
Having IC or Interstitial Cystitis, is a nightmare for anyone who has it. You will spend countless hours bouncing from one doctor to another who will automatically diagnose you with a bladder infection or UTI. ALL your tests results will come back normal or no infection found. Yet all the doctors want to do is pass the buck around rather than working WITH the patient to find the answers to what works for them. I don't know why my medication isn't helping any longer. I don't know why I am facing this road ahead of me again. I don't know how long I will have to learn to manage my symptoms until I get the answers I need working with the doctor who really wants to help.
Trust me, I don't want to be on any pain meds, but this pain for those of you that have had UTI's know, can be debilitating until you find pain relief. For now I am on a prescription for the medical equivalent of AZO until I can find someone to see me. Funny how my previous urologist is no longer practicing medicine at the facility near me anymore. Funny in the sense that I have gone through more doctors in 3 years than most people circulate through in their life. Most only stay for about 6 months and then they vanish. No one even is notified they have left the facility until you call for an appointment.
So today, I prayed to God, that He will give me enough to get through each day and He will need to clear the road blocks placed before me. I guess I took for granted all those pain free days for the last couple of years when it seemed like I had somewhat of a normal life, for anyone facing this situation. You can't call it a disease, an illness, so I guess you have to lump it into an incurable diagnosis. Join me in prayer to just make it through each day, one at a time, with what I can self medicate with for now. Lord, please throw open some doors I have yet to see. Help me with Your strength to get through each day, one hour at a time. Help me during this time to not lose my focus and take my eyes off You! Don't let me remain focused on me, but on what You are doing, even though I can't see what's happening and if it is according to You will help me walk through this while I wait for Your healing or more answers to help. In JESUS name, Amen!
So, so sorry you are still have such a bad time with these issues. I have gotten where I do not trust the doctors anymore. So far, I have been blessed with good heath for my age. Hang in and trusting the good Lord will give you peace.