Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Making Adjustments
Well today is another day.
Another day, missing my hubby as he travels once more for business. I do LOVE to get his phone calls when he is able to make them, and sometimes I wonder if he tries too hard to stay connected to me. I completely understand that he is at work and super busy with so much crammed into his days and nights, but it is the effort he makes to show that he cares. Plus he gets lonely being away from home. So I guess there is adjustments to make on both sides.
Today, I taking a look back at the jobs I LOVED the most in my life and one of them by far is working as a Service Supervisor for LA Cellular back when they were still around and then working as a Corporate Trainer, first for LA Cellular and then for ATT when they were bought out. I LOVE managing people. I guess the best way to describe my management style is to say that I work for those who work under me. I am there to help them move up and to motivate and be their personal cheerleader the whole way, if that is the goal they strive for.
I guess that is why I LOVE using those skills today in my small business to teach those who want to learn how to make wreaths and home decor. I LOVE showing them how they can be successful and that age is simply a number. I work with women and men of all ages. Am I worried that they will take business away from me? I might have initially, but someone called me on it today when I asked people what they were learning from me, and one lady said I had to remember why I started this journey to begin with. That is so true because it is what I would tell first time home school moms. Remember why you chose to homeschool even when you feel like you can't do it anymore!
It is the same rule I applying to my small business. To never forget those you serve. Your customers. For me, those are the people who buy my products and those I am teaching how to do it. Without them, I am just one person making videos and wreaths and collecting them in whatever space I have available. I have my own cheerleading team and that is my amazing supportive hubby. He puts up with my shopping trips, long spent walking aisles simply looking for inspiration for my next project without rushing me to hurry up. The one who offered to spend our 20th anniversary doing our LIVE video to those who tune in to watch us make something, and one we did together. We did go to dinner afterward, but like I told my husband, I now have a video of us spending time together forever! Just one moment in time captured like a priceless treasure it is. It will be something our entire family can watch and has watched.
Life is like that sometimes, requiring us to take a step back and remember why we do what we do. For me, it's about giving back to those who can use a helping hand along the way. To make gifts of their own to give to those they love. I love seeing their stories and the best part of it, is seeing their faces when they add something beautiful to their home, or send it as a special gift. I guess that is why God has called me to this unique place at this time in my life when I am making my own adjustments. No longer teaching home school and planning for my youngest daughter's wedding this year. More adjustments are coming but I have to remember why I am here and what it means to move forward.
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