Thursday, February 22, 2018

I Survived!

I did it!!!

Well not without struggles, but I managed my first Facebook LIVE without any assistance from my hubby or my kids. Yet, this girl soloed and came out the other side. Remember when I told you how I was facing my own challenges to see if I could do this in yesterday's post, well I did it. I got through it. I didn't lose my cool despite how badly I may have wanted to pull my hair out when things began to pose a challenge.

Despite all my husbands best attempts to educate me on setting up my lights and how to manage both filming the LIVE and responding to viewer comments, I struggled. I didn't realize that if you wanted to go LIVE in landscape mode, you have to keep your camera in landscape mode before you click the LIVE button. So I managed. I hate to delete my first few minutes and begin again. But isn't that how we really learn, from the mistakes we make?

Next up once I got that figured out, my lap top which I was using to view LIVE comments from my viewers crashed. I could still see the LIVE happening but the comments were no longer showing up. Gotta love technology. So I explained what was happening to my viewers and told them I would be responding to their comments once I finished my tutorial. They were super understanding. They know things are going to be bumpy until you figure things out.

Despite all those issues and spending two hours prior to that LIVE session getting everything set up and prepped, I did it!!! I still need to look into back up options for when things don't run smoothly and until I get some money under my belt and buy an external camera I can control remotely, things like this will happen. Yet I didn't let it stop me. I didn't stay stuck. I didn't give up. I kept on going. Even more amazing is that I won't let it defeat me and I will be making more LIVES alone.

That is the wonderful thing about grace, I got lots of it plus understanding from the 9 people who were watching me. I only hope that I can continue to improve but also be there for them, when theyre ready to take that leap forward. So tomorrow, I go LIVE before a bigger audience, my main Facebook business page, Kat's Creations, which is a public and FREE place to get those great DYI tutorials. Whether things go smoothly or they have their own challenges, I will rise above and perhaps in those struggles I will be helping someone else not give up either.

This is what we made last night in my Paid Private Group and it is for sale in both my Etsy store and also through Facebook or blogging. If you're interested in purchasing this, I accept all payment types and can ship within the US via USPS ground options for an additional fee.

My Etsy Store:
My Facebook Business Page: 

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