Friday, December 18, 2015

At Love's Bidding

I love when amazing authors can find something different to write about when choosing a historical romance, and Regina Jennings does just that. Being a huge fan of antiques, I love that she chose to use that as the occupation of her character Miranda Wimplegate, whose family is in the antique auction business. She is tasked with the job of creating a catalog of the items that go up for bidding so buyers have a background on just what they are potentially buying. But when a portraits winds up on the auction block that shouldn't have been sold, the entire family could face ruin and a potential lawsuit and more if they can't track down the person who bid on the item. The only problem is that the buyer paid in case and left no address or name behind. The only clue Regina has is a brief description of the man and carriage that arrived that night.

Knowing she must do whatever she can to help, she offers to accompany her grandfather to Pine Gap to locate the destination of where the portrait is rumored to have been shipped to. The family agrees to buy the auction house that is slated to sell the portrait in hopes of preventing them from selling any items on the way to the location, and thus finding a way to return the portrait to the rightful owner again. What neither of them understand is that instead of purchasing an auction house, they have purchased a cattle auction and they will be stretched to figure out just what to do with it since neither of them have any idea on how to run it or deal with the many animals that they have in their inventory.

The only man who seems like he can help is the one that Miranda wants nothing to do with after seeing him in action when she and her grandfather arrived in town. But without Wyatt Ballentine's help they won't be able to face returning home or deciding how they will get out of the cattle auction they have bought. It will take trust on both sides since Wyatt had hoped that all his years of working for the former owner might have offered him first dibs on purchasing the cattle auction, but it sold out from underneath him leaving him suspicious as to the reason for the quick sell. Will love be something that will enter both of their hearts as they spend more time together or is Wyatt's only goal to do whatever he can to help the Wimplegates leave Pine Gap as soon as reasonably possible?

I received At Love's Bidding by Regina Jennings compliments of Bethany House Publishers and Litfuse Publicity for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation, aside for a free copy of this novel, in exchange for my honest review. I loved this novel because it gave me something I hadn't read before in any of the historical novels, a story line involving a strong willed woman who works for an antique auction house who's only familiar with high priced items like jewelry, antiques and paintings so to see her having to deal with the livestock instead makes for a comical romance you will just love. Even though I haven't read the first book in the Ozark Mountain Romance Series, I look forward to going back and reading the previous one A Most Inconvenient Marriage! For this one, hands down wins a 5 out of 5 stars!

For more information about At Love's Bidding, Regina Jennings, or where you can pick a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Regina Jennings on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels. 

To read more reviews on At Love's Bidding, please visit Litfuse Publicity's Book Tour Page.
After a cross-country trip to track down a sold painting that could ruin her family's business forever, Miranda Wimplegate forms an unlikely but charged partnership with livestock auctioneer Wyatt Ballentine in Regina Jennings' At Love's Bidding. Miranda and her grandfather discover their new auction house doesn’t deal in fine antiques, but in livestock. And its frustratingly handsome manager, Wyatt, is annoyed to discover his fussy new bosses don’t know a thing about the business he’s single-handedly kept afloat. Faced with more heads of cattle than they can count–but no mysterious painting–Miranda and Wyatt must try and prevent a bad situation from getting worse.

Join Regina in celebrating the release of At Love's Bidding by entering to win her Cozy Winter Night giveaway and RSVPing to her January 5th author chat party!

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One grand prize winner will receive everything you need for a cozy winter night:
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Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on 1/5. The winner will be announced at the At Love's Bidding Facebook party. RSVP for a chance to connect with Regina and other readers, as well as for a chance to win some great prizes!

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RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK, TWITTER, or PINTEREST and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 5th!

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