I am in my season of being watered, splashed, bathed, and refreshed with the joy of God's water spilling forth in my spiritual life and allowing me to drink deeply from that well. The water that will keep you thirsting for more. It truly satisfies like nothing else.
I truly believe that in all our walks we find time where we can invite God in. Not just in our fleeting, hurried prayers but when we sense ourselves just beginning to stir as we sense the morning light beneath our curtains. God whispers our name. He offers us a Good Morning. Can you hear it?
As I stretch beneath my still warm covers, I offer my morning wishes to God. I wish Him a Good Morning even though He doesn't require rest. He's been working all night once more. Keeping my thoughts from spilling over into worry or anxiety for things I don't have answers to. I can sense Him smiling, because He knows me. He knows me better than I know myself. I can almost seeing Him nodding at me too.
I begin my silent prayers this morning and thank Him for the promise of His will in my life. I surrender my thoughts to Him and ask that they bless those whose words and actions will follow me throughout my morning. I ask for His eyes to see the needs of those around me. To hear the smallest voices asking for help in my day. To sense whatever purposes I am called to do today, that I will do it willingly with a thankful heart and shower people around me with His love today.
I pray this before I even hit the floor because I know at some point I will become weak today. Frustration or lack of patience in something may try to ruin my day that I had planned out. Yes, God smiles because He knows my shortcomings in my day even before I arise from my bed. He smiles because He knows that no matter what happens, I will maintain my faith. I will push forward in my pursuit and even though I fail I will not let it keep me down.
I will look up into His strong face and I will reach out my hand to Him and ask for help. I will ask for resistance to avoid falling again. This time, I will walk with Him and not be in such a hurry to run ahead. I like walking with Him, talking about our day, and having Him show me just how much He loves me in how He lets my day unfold before me.
I will thank Him for the opportunity to use me in whatever capacity He needs me to today to accomplish His plans. Today I will reach out and take that step of faith. I will meditate on His word today and I will seek Him with my whole heart. Do you hear Him calling you? What is He saying to you?
What would you accomplish if you knew that you could not fail? Please share those thoughts with me today and thank you for stopping by and feeling refreshed by His waters today!
"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better!" ~ Ephesians 1:17
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