Wednesday, February 4, 2015
The Lasting Legacy
Sometimes there are moments in our life where as Christians, we've hit a dry patch. It may be a time where you sense that you aren't as close to God as you once were. Perhaps, you've skipped church a time or two due to obligations or illness and know, it's not such a huge deal. Perhaps it's been awhile since you've picked up your Bible and read more about God and what He has in store for you today through a Bible verse or chapter. Or it could simply be nothing more than the enemies attempt at making your chase your tail wondering where we left God or even, where God left us.
If you've been a believer for some time, you know God never leaves us. It is always us taking some time away from God, like telling Him, "Hey God, I'll be right back, wait right here for a moment okay?"
In storms that happen in our life, we should be running immediately to the throne room of God and unleashing our weapon against darkness through prayer. God loves nothing more than to be invited in, to be asked for help, and to just be a part of your life. Yet so often we turn away from God, thinking because He is all powerful, He could have done something, heal that person, save that life, restore a relationship, you fill in the blank.
Have you ever blamed God for something?
Perhaps an unanswered prayer? Or an answer you got you didn't like?
We all know that children model what they see and hear especially from their parents and siblings. So what are they hearing and seeing on your end?
Do they see a Mom or Dad, not afraid to gather the family around for prayer? Do they see you spending time with God in church, reading your Bible, praying, listening to praise and worship music?
Or do they see the impacts the world has on you? Struggling against the odds facing you, lashing out in frustration because it is all out of your hands? No matter how hard you try, you can't fix it?
I think the most important legacy for parents is to point our children to God. In EVERYTHING!!!
From the way we begin our mornings, how we handle our daily struggles, how we talk to our children when their world is coming undone, to how we show love for our spouses and family.
For me, as a parent, there is NO GREATER joy than seeing your children coming to God on their own terms. Asking Him to be a part of their life, praying to Him, spending time with Him and others in church, listening to praise and worship music and watching Christian appropriate content on the internet, books, or television.
It's knowing that no matter what our children face in life, God has their back 100%.
If they should die today, I know without a doubt, we'll be spending an eternity together in heaven.
There is no greater assurance that world can promise, that soothes a parents heart like a relationship with God. NOTHING!!!
No better job, better family, better bank account, better house, better ANYTHING.
It is all temporary. It will all be left behind when God calls us home. I couldn't ask for a better legacy to leave behind than an overwhelming amount of evidence that convicts me beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am a Christian. Sold out, body, mind, soul and spirit to my heavenly Father!! I hope that those that follow me, read my blogs and social media posts can see the same thing, if not, I call you on it to let me know.
The legacy I want to leave behind is a mom who loved the Lord, prayed for her family and friends, and shared all she had with everyone else. After all, the stuff in this life, isn't ours, but Gods. I hope I make Him proud with what He has given me, and most importantly that others follow not in my footsteps but His!
"And do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed" . . .Romans 12 vs. 2
That legacy of loving Jesus is the greatest one a parent can give.
ReplyDeleteYet in all things depending on His sovereign mercy!