Picture Credit: Pic taken from www.cheo36@deviantart.com
Today was a day, I had seen coming for quite some time. While I can't go into specific details about what prompted this post, it made me realize just what a daily battle we face every single day. When stuff happens in our lives, in our neighborhoods, in our country, we all want things to change, but when confront with the question just how involved do you want to get, we shy away. We want someone else to step up and be the strong one who will stand unwavering in the face of what's to come. The person who might have to face going to court to testify against someone, the person who might have to point to someone in a line up, the person who has to make that first initial call. But when asked, we want to remain uninvolved, anonymous, unknown.
Why is that? What are we so afraid of?
Retaliation if someone finds out it's us that made the call or pointed the finger. The one who turned them in.
What about the safety of those of us willing to stand up for what is right without wearing a gun or badge?
Who will protect us when things end badly, if they do at all?
We've seen enough of the news stories or watched courtroom drama's to see how it can play out. The witness testifies but soon they or someone they love winds up on the short end of the proverbial stick.
That is why I believe people need to stand up to what they fear.
If God is for us, who can be against us.
Don't we trust Him enough to rely on His protection, His army of warriors to watch over us day and night?
We, as Christians, believers in Jesus Christ, need to begin to take more risks.
To stand up for those without a voice, who need our help. For those injustices taking place in our homes, our neighborhoods, and in our country. We need to stand up and get involved. We need to let those around us know that we will not simply smile and wave and hope someone else will do it.
God has called us to a daily battle. One not found in the battlefields but in the spiritual world. We need to arm ourselves with His armor and begin to wage the war on our knees.
Lately I've been dealing with spiritual battles in my dreams. I've been committing more of God's Word to my memory in the battle I face at night. At first I woke up in great fear because it was so real and I haven't had those feelings since I was on the verge of becoming a believer. Where I was held bound by a force so evil that movement and speech was impossible. Only remembering what I needed in order to be free and to call on the name of Jesus Christ as a believer was the only way I was able to be set free.
There is power in that Christians!
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand". ~ Ephesians 6: 10-13
I only fear the world is going to get worse and we will be called to action like never before. Let us go boldly into the fight, but let us remember that we are just passing through this world and this is not our permanent home.
So when you get the call asking just how involved do you want to get what will you do? How involved will you get?
Can't tell you how much pain I had to go through when I had a battle at work regarding my positions. People think there was nothing wrong done and when I tried to fight, I was the bad one. But then, until it happens them that they realize there is something wrong because it is a cycle that's why I chose to fight. Anyway, I'm glad you posted about it sister Kat. It takes a lot of courage alone just to do this but even one...One...Can make a difference...My husband and I are tired too of everything we hear and we both don't care if we are the "weird ones" at work. We always pray...to always choose to do what's right...for Him..And that's what matters. God bless and protect you all always.