Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Day We Place Our Faith and Foundations On

For a believer in Jesus Christ, it is all about Resurrection Sunday, not Easter. Let us not confuse the two separate meanings of how the world celebrates today with Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies and colored eggs, but for a believer in Jesus Christ, today sets us apart from every other religion in the world. Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday, and three days later, He rose again in glory and fulfilled His promise that even death has lost its sting today.

Any other religion from Mohammed to Confucius to any god in history, not one of them fulfilled every single promised written hundreds of years before they came to Earth. Jesus fulfilled every single one. However that is not the foundation for the faith followers of Christ have. Jesus predicted His death down to the smallest detail and every facet of His life up to that point. He claimed to be the Son of God and one would think if He truly was, then even death would have no victory over Him, and it didn't.

Jesus delivers on His promises just like He did that day and even today. Everything He has promised has, is and will come true. He did not stay dead. If He had, then perhaps He would have simply been what everyone said He was, a prophet, a good man, a teacher with sound morals. But it is the one thing that no other gods have is the Resurrection and an empty tomb.

If you don't know Jesus, you might fall in line with all the other claims that He didn't really die, His body was moved, and the greatest cover up in history was played out upon the world. But I would ask you one question, why would so many be willing to die for a lie? Why would the people who followed Jesus Christ be willing to die for the ultimate cover up the world has ever known, being beheaded, burned, stoned, a crucified if it didn't really happen as the Bible said.

The truth is, they wouldn't. Not after all these thousands of years. The promises that Jesus makes to His believers is remarkable and life changing. Death no longer has a hold on us. When we breathe our last breath here, we take the first one in heaven. Death is no longer something we have to fear. We will live an eternity with Jesus Christ along with every single one who has confessed a belief in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. No more will we have to face illness, sadness, fear or death because the Bible promises that once our body gives out here, that's it. It is finished!

I can only imagine what hope, happiness and unparalleled joy was felt today by those that thought Jesus was dead. When Mary found her Savior alive when she went to the tomb expecting sadness but finding happiness beyond measure. She couldn't wait to go and tell the others. Imagine Mary, Jesus' mother who was grieving for the loss of her son, only to learn He was alive again. If you have ever lost anyone to death, I could only imagine how joyous they would feel to learn that He had risen!

What profound love the Father offered to those of us without hope, to give unconditionally His only Son to pay the ultimate in sacrifices to us all. A gift of eternal life and a changed life. Redemption, salvation, hope, forgiveness and promises that will always come true if we place our faith in Jesus Christ.

If you don't have those things but would love to become a follower of Jesus, please pray this prayer today and change forever how the rest of your life will be lived.

Dearest Jesus,

I come to you humbly and ask for your forgiveness of my sins. I know without You, there is no hope for a better future in this life or the next. I want You to come into my life and change me. Fill me with Your presence and help me to become a follower of Yours. I turn from my sins and instead walk in Your ways.

Thank you for the sacrifice you made when you took my sins upon the cross and died for me. Thank you that you fulfilled Your promise and rose again on the third day taking control over death as You promised. Thank you for the payment of my sins, past, present and future and for coming to live in my life. Today I celebrate Your resurrection and Your life.

In Jesus Name ~ Amen

If you have prayed that prayer in sincerity and from your heart, today you have a new home! Welcome Home to a new life in Jesus Christ. Happy Resurrection Son-day!


  1. This is a beautiful and true post, thank you for offering it here. I like the books by Lee Strobel, journalist, The Case for Christ, etc. with his extensive documentation of the facts about Jesus.
    Have a Blessed Easter.

  2. Beautiful words - thank you for sharing.

    Yes, it's all about the Resurrection, isn't it?!

    "Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn't here! He is risen from the dead!"

    Thrilling words indeed!


  3. Thank you for the lovely tribute to our Savior. I used the song "Arise My Love," in my Sunday School lesson to young adults today and it pictures this glorious truth about our Lord so beautifully. What a blessing to belong to Him! Sandra


My thoughts for the day are