Monday, December 16, 2013

Whispers of Hope - Giveaway and Review

At times in my Christian walk I know that the most powerful weapon we have at our disposal is our prayers. Yet far too often we utilize them in a final attempt to a situation we realize is out of our control. But I believe what is missing is why we pray. It isn't just geared for a "wish list" for God's blessings in our life, or as a last minute call to action for our Heavenly Father to intervene in our situations we find ourselves struggling with. Prayer is first and foremost our method of communication with our Father in Heaven. It's more than just asking for Him to help us, it's about praising Him for what He is and what He is doing and what He has done for us. It's about letting go of thinking anything we do in this life we have control over and instead gracefully bowing out and rendering complete control willingly to Him.

In Beth Moore's latest book, Whispers of Hope, a 10 week devotional geared to work on our prayer lives over the next 70 days. She encourages readers to journal their prayers using a PRAISE acronym to remind us what it's all about instead of simply asking for help. Each day of this journey encourages the reader in a devotional to complete a brief Bible reading assignment, a Scripture for the day, and thoughts for the day. A Daily Prayer Guide follows each devotional to record your petitions using the P.R.A.I.S.E. approach to prayer. There is also a place in the book for you to record the answers to your prayers in the Answer Log.

Beth even addresses how to utilize Whispers of Hope in a group setting for Bible or Women's studies. She gives tips on different ways to make the best of the information you discover as you take your journey to enriching your personal prayer lives. No greater priority exists for the believer than knowing Christ through the study of His Word and the intimacy of prayer. Each day's format should allow most people to complete their daily devotions in about 30-40 minutes. This book is offered to help you form a habit of prayer and she hopes that in using this time, you will discover a fresh supply of mercy every morning, but more than that, may you discover the Mercy Giver.

I received Whispers of Hope by Beth Moore compliments of B and H Publishing Group and Icon Media Group for my honest review. I have not received any monetary compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are strictly my own. I know for me personally I am loving having a guide to help me set aside some time each day and read about God through the Bible and utilize this time as a personal discovery into understanding more about God. I only hope that each day in using it I will grow stronger in my prayer life, much like anyone who practices their skill in anything only improves the more time they spend doing it. I easily give this prayer devotional a perfect 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion. This is perfect for an individual, women's or group Bible Study.

For more information about Whispers of Hope, Beth Moore or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can also find Beth Moore on Facebook to stay up to date with all her latest books.

Thanks to the generosity of B and H Publishers and Icon Media Group, they are offering a giveaway copy of this prayer devotional to one lucky follower of my blog Reviews From The Heart. Here's your guidelines to enter:

1. Be a follower of my blog, Reviews From The Heart. 

2. "Like" my Facebook page, Reviews From The Heart. If you have already "Liked" it, simply leave me a comment telling me you stopped by as part of this giveaway.

3. Be a resident of the US or have a US Shipping address. Please No P.O. Boxes.

4. Leave me a comment below telling me why you would LOVE to win a copy of this book. Don't forget to include your email address. You can use the words (at) and (dot) instead of the symbols.

I will notify the winner by email when the giveaway ends on December 26th, so be sure to include your email address with your comment.


  1. Every day I wake up is a good day to me. I pray you and your family have a wonderful, Merry Christmas.
    I would like to win this book for a granddaughter. I have several of those. :) And, thank GOD for each one. GOD has given me a large family and it is a blessing. I have 19 GreatsGrands already. Fun to watch them. And, get their hugs. Please put my name in the drawing. Maxie
    ( email: mac262(at)me(dot)com )

  2. I love devotionals and this one looks perfect for the new year. I am a long time follower of your other blog and also like you on facebook. Have a fantastic week, and Merry Christmas. kittycrochettwo at


My thoughts for the day are