Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Seeing the World Through God's Eyes!

Being a parent has been such an incredible experience. Not only for the joy of watching our children grow into adults and able to hopefully begin a journey of their own, but it also gives one the very amazing and often unexpected insight into how God views us and our relationship with Him.

People often think that only those that have children are able to see things from that unique perspective, but I would beg to differ. I believe just being a part of a family allows you to see those very same things, if we are only willing to look for them. You don't have to be a parent of a child, I believe you can even gain that insight just with working with kids, as a teacher, counselor or even a church volunteer. Here's what God showed me through a conversation that literally sliced me through the heart this morning. Thanks Mike for being the one to shine the light in that dark place!

My brother and I talk on the phone quite a bit. We live some distance from one another so getting together with busy schedules often makes that a challenge, so we talk on the phone at least once a week. We were able to talk more during the summer but now that is taking a bit of a back seat to other priorities like work and home school. We were talking about what his son that just turned 21 over the weekend did for his birthday. You'd think he would have been in a hurry to head to a bar or possibly Vegas now that he has the legal right to do some things now, but he didn't. He instead got together with friends, went to a place and had dinner, he did order a beer just to see how it felt to get "carded" and hung out there playing video games and pool. I am sure his dad is breathing a sigh of relief he wasn't like most worldly young adults who take that day and make some foolish choices. He's a pretty grounded teen and loves the Lord with all his heart. But he still has to make his own personal choices on his own without parental guidance when he heads out for the night.

God is like that. He doesn't force His way into our lives. He waits patiently for us to seek Him. He is closer than we ever know, just waiting. Waiting for us to call out to Him.

We talked more about what my oldest daughter is up to these days, knowing that while our kids are still young, but now adults on their own, they occasionally ask for help. He asked if I had her talked to her lately and I commented that most times I only hear from her when she needs something. He laughed because we can both relate to that statement, but it was his comment that really shock me to the core. He said, "Kinda like how we talk to God huh?"

I had to stop and think about it for a moment, before I said, "Wow! You are so right! I mean how many times do we get up and as we rise, we thank God just for the opportunity to be here another day. That perhaps that headache or pain we prayed about is now gone, but we fail to mention it to God." I thanked my brother as well as God for that brief moment in time where I received a wonderful revelation from God I had to share with you through this post.

Friends and Family, I would encourage you to not only run and pray to God when the going gets rough, but also to take the time to not take God for granted when everything is going right in your life. The weather may be perfect, your finances are more than enough to get you through the day, you have enough food in your home to make it til the end of the day and if you can stay in the present and just think on today, thanking God for everything, it might just give you a different perspective. Maybe you will get that revelation that I got today.

That God patiently waits not only for us to ask for His help when the going gets tough, but He longs to connect with us and let Him know how the day is going. Try to see things from that perspective today and help give your relationship with your heavenly Father a much needed boost today. He's so willing to hear from you that He'll stop whatever He's doing just to give you His undivided attention. He cares and loves you that much that everything that happens in your life, good and bad, matter to Him.

Here's hoping you have a wonderful and truly blessed day.

Philippians 4:11-13, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do all this through him who gives me strength."


  1. Your brother's comment is very wise. We can not thank God enough since there are blessings strewn throughout most every day. I thank God for a few of His many blessings each morning before I get out of bed, cuz once I am up and going I might forget.

  2. It is a shame, but most people never take the time to give thanks unless they want something. Never put until tomorrow what you should do today. Tomorrow may never come. You can only do so much with children. The rest is up to their judgment and the good Lord's plan.


My thoughts for the day are