Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mirror Mirror On the Wall....

Who hasn't heard the famous quote from the wicked queen in the Disney animated movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves? Looking back, I wonder how many times a day the queen went to the mirror in search of answers. Yet far too often as our own lives grow far too complicated, we search for answers to what is happening in our lives in different sources. Some seek advice from parents or grandparents, looking for some sage advice from their personal experience through life's storms. Others search for answers in books, online radio programs, call in shows or even close personal friends looking for some professional help to their crisis. Some reach out into the great beyond through social media sites, preferring to remain anonymous but still looking for the right answer. Yet how many fail to go to the one source of information that can truly solve almost anything we walk through, God through prayer or through His written word in the Bible?

Is it because we don't "see" God so we think He can't personally know what we are going through?

Is it because you think He's simply too busy handing some crisis in the world and can't be bothered to discuss what is troubling you?

Is it because we honestly don't believe God can help?

Or are we willing to take any advice just to help us weather the storm so we can make it frantically to the otherside with hopefully something of ourselves left intact?

I've heard a quote that our first response to any situation should be immediately to drop to our knees in prayer and then wait patiently for an answer. God has the most unique ways of "speaking to us." Sometimes it comes in the form of an unexpected phone call from a friend offering advice on just what we need to hear. Sometimes its in the form of lyrics to a song that just comes on the radio or a program we are watching. Other times He doesn't speak at all right away.

It's in those times, we think, He doesn't hear us.

I guess I need to go this one alone.

But He isn't saying that at all.

The most difficult response to our prayer besides No, when we were hoping for a "Yes" is simply to wait.

It's true! Waiting is the hardest part because we don't know how long God will ask us to wait. Will it be a few minutes. We can do that!

Will it be a couple of days?

Hmm, that one might be difficult but we can do it.

But what about a couple weeks? A month? A couple of years?

Are you feeling the stress just thinking about those responses? Then you're just like me.

Funny thing is when we seek God's help in prayer far too often we take back our petitions thinking God must want us to handle this problem on our own. Yet often times it doesn't turn out the way we had hoped. It would have been better at times if we simply waited. But waiting is hard to do.

Lately I've had to sit back and watch my friends, family and even strangers struggle with their own storms. It's hard not being able to help them or even to provide advice, but I do pray for them. I pray for them in case they haven't. I pray because I serve a God who understands ANYTHING we are going through. I pray for my own peace to understand and gain strength so I might be able to help them.

Life is tough. 

We weren't designed to go through it alone.

We all need help, but how often do we fail to ask for it?

Is is simply too much to call a friend and ask for support? For a shoulder to cry on? For a sympathetic ear to listen to what is going on in our life?

Let us leave pride behind and simply reach out more.

Let us be the hands and feet of Christ.

Let us be that light reflecting back to those in the shadows and show them the true love of Christ.

Let us leave our judging attitudes and comments behind and offer a support to those who are barely hanging on.

Let us change the way we see ourselves when we look into that mirror of life. Let us find Christ looking back at us with love, compassion, hope and understanding.

By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:8 NIV


  1. We are never alone. Just that we sometime fail to let hims handle things in his way. Your post are always so inspiring. Trust all is well with. I am okay.


My thoughts for the day are