Monday, April 29, 2013

Giveaways for Family Friendly Christian Products

Just wanted to give you a heads up about some amazing Family-Friendly and Christian based products that I am giving away on my blog, Reviews From The Heart. They all end by May 9th and I wanted to make sure that you all had the opportunity to enter the giveaways. There are always a small amount of participants who enter and I wanted to make sure that you were all a part of them if you're interested.

The first once ends tomorrow and it's for a great DVD called Breakaway! You can find my review about it here, but it's about how one man took an opportunity to help his family out financially when his company was downsizing. Great movie with a super powerful message that is so relevant in today's world.

The next is a great family fun Daily Reader from The American Bible Challenge! This is such a fun book that anyone could use to challenge your personal knowledge of the Bible! Write in today's language for children, teens and family's to understand, it makes taking Bible Study a step further. I could even see churches and youth groups incorporating this into their summer camps as a way to add fun to learning more about God's Word. This giveaway ends on May 1st. Click here for details. 

The last giveaway is for a wonderful Children's book called, Hey God, I've Got Some Guy Named Jonah in My Stomach and I Think I'm Going To Throw Up! It's a beautifully illustrated children's book for ages 4 and up and tells the whales side of the story of Jonah. It has some amazing questions and activities in the book to encourage further learning between parents and children! This giveaway ends on May 9th and you can read more about my review and how to enter the giveaway by clicking here. 

Feel free to enter them all or just the one's you think you would LOVE to be a part of and don't forget they all end by May 9th. You might just want to sign up for my email updates since I've got lots more DVDs and products coming soon that you don't want to miss! Make sure you tell your friends and family too!

1 comment:

  1. There can never be to much material in a home of Family Christian items! Have a great day!



My thoughts for the day are