Monday, March 18, 2013

He's Leaving On A Jet Plane Again!

Oh these are the days, I dread the most. The packing of the suitcase, making sure nothing gets left behind, printing out boarding passes and loading up the car. Yes, it's another travel day for Steve. We've actually got used to him traveling so much over the last four years and with fingers crossed in anticipation, we are hoping the time apart since last October might in fact garner a much needed and hoped for dream job for him.

His project since last October has been working to install an upgraded antenna and fiber optic network at the Daytona 500 raceway in Daytona Beach, Florida. What this does in a nutshell is provide accessibility to those of us that want to text, talk and access the internet while watching the race at the Daytona 500 racetrack without getting failed connections. Now with wireless carriers offering 4G speeds you don't want delays of sending the latest picture message of you driving in the car with Dale Earnhardt Jr. Well, we can all dream right?

So he's been spending countless weeks away from us under the premise this might lead to a permanent job with one of the largest antenna companies on the market today! We had been doing all we could to support his efforts to hopefully score him a position with the company. What it might mean besides a great job with some security is a definite pay increase, benefits and compensation and a lot less travel ((Crossing our fingers)) We should know in the next couple weeks if this had paid off.

For now, however he is traveling these next couple of days to North Carolina for corporate meetings. We are hoping that something may happen when he actually at their headquarters and that he'll fly home with great news.

It still doesn't make his absence any easier to deal with.

I'll still go to bed tonight alone with my only company being a virtual escape into one of my many books awaiting review, which I love. It's my guilty pleasure and one I really enjoy but hate at times to take time away from spending those precious hours with him. So I'll do what I do best, paste on my happy face, and find things to do to occupy my time. One thing for certain is the house will be spotless by the time he gets back. It's one of my filler activities and of course, looking forward to making plans with him this weekend.

Please keep him in your prayers this week and that God will provide a job if this is truly want He wants us to do. Who knows this may create a doorway for me to visit some of you that I've never met before!

I love you Steven! May you truly have a wonderful time and God is with you all the way!!!


  1. Praying for the right job for Steve!
    When Bob is gone, I have the same guilty pleasure - reading in bed!

  2. I will keep him in my prayers. Mine has been traveling for so many years now. I'm use to it but I don't like it.

  3. Thank you so much for all that you do all that you are! I know it's been tough on you and hope that this will lead to a better future for us. I miss you do much while I'm away and always wish you were with me or I was with you! You make me so proud to be your husband! All my Love!!


My thoughts for the day are