I just wanted to take this opportunity to share with all of you that it's my husband Steven's 44th Birthday today. I've had the most wonderful 14 years of being married to him and calling him my husband, but 17 years of finding and discovering the best friend, I thought I'd never find.
I can honestly say I love him more today than ever before mostly because of the ups and downs life has handed us during the time we've known one another. How God has used the storms of life to draw us both nearer not only to Him for our faith and hope but also to one another, for comfort, strength and knowing that it's only made us closer to each other.
I wanted to thank him for supporting a ready made family with me and my daughter, Caitlyn who he willingly accepted both battered and emotionally spent from a difficult divorce. He restored my self esteem and created a role model for what a husband should look like not only Caitlyn, but for the daughter we would share together when we had Kailee. He continues to encourage us, support us and provide for us not only as a husband and father, but shares his struggles at his daily spiritual walk with God. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for us.
Wishing you, Steven, a very Happy and Blessed Birthday. May God provide an overflowing abundance of blessings headed your way not only as you celebrate your birthday, but in the days, weeks and years to come for your faithfulness at leading our family!
Here's a video dedicated to what you mean to all of us! Happy Birthday Babe!
Happy Birthday to your dear husband. Such a precious video, made me cry.
Nicely shooted video. It reminded me some of my old memories.
Birthday Letter to Girlfriend
Sweet video : ) Happy Birthday to your hubs!
Happy Birthday to Steve, the love of your life!
"fellow-heirs of the grace of life"
Happy birthday to your husband. Hope you celebrated well!
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