Friday, April 27, 2012

Yard Sale or Garage Sale Items?

It's early in the morning. The sun is on the move to rise above the eastern sky and head west and the breeze is still cool. One of my favorite times of the day when things are still quiet. Peace still exists.

Then you begin your quest. You make sure you have an adequate amount of small bills and head out, looking for the signs you are bound to find on street corners, whether taped to poles or propped up in cardboard boxes, but they all point to one thing. Yard Sales or Garage Sales.

Whether you have one of your own for the purpose of clearing out space in your home, garage or yard or simply on the hunt for something you need, a bargain awaits. It seems like lately however, yard sales or garage sales are everywhere. Before you use to find them only on Saturday or Sunday mornings, but now they begin as early as Thursdays now. In some cases they run the entire week.

With the latest additions of reality shows like the Antique Road Show and now Pawn Stars, American Pickers, and Auction Kings, everyone is looking for a deal. Lately your junk is someone's else's treasure. Whether it's in search of some long lost childhood memory or fulfilling a need you have, these sales are now going full force.

I've even had the pleasure to share with some bloggers who have captured their latest finds and have come across some amazing bargains. Even if you can't wait for a sale, you can always find something you're looking for on Craig's list or now even Freecycle. We just found a video game system we had growing up, and got quite the deal. Sorry Steven and Caitlyn! We'll keep checking for you!

So it begs to ask the question, where did this all start? When did buying someone's junk become the latest fad? It certainly isn't because you feel that you will snatch up some priceless treasure someone didn't realize that they had. I think it's because deep down inside we're all still searching for something. Something that may fulfill a need, a want, a desire, or a hope for happiness. Yet in this search for a treasure among someone' junk, we find what we are looking for, the price is perfect or often times it can be negotiated to what we would love, a smile appears on our face when the deal is secured and off we go back to our car. It's truly a win/win for both buyer and seller.

Sometimes, we are searching for treasures that most don't see. It may be a cobalt blue glass vase that speaks to our heart because our grandparents may have had one and we are searching to find a way to reconnect to that memory or perhaps decorate a room with unique knick-knacks that tell a story. But someone along that way, genius was discovered. Someone who would turn useless stuff into a great treasure.

Much like what God does with us. He takes us at often times at our complete worse and smiles once He sees us sitting like junk on a shelf. He sees the value behind our facade, deep into our hearts. There is no price too great for Him to pay to purchase us. We are worth every single penny. No matter what condition God finds you in, He is satisfied with you just the way you are right this minute. No need to rush off to be refurbished or restored before He'll pick you up! Nope, He wants you just the way you are. God knew all along right where you'd be, He's never going to give up searching for you.

You are priceless in His eyes, always will be, no matter your condition. So stop worrying about being perfect. Be willing to turn yourself over to God right where you are at now. You will make His day and all of Heaven will stop and celebrate over your decision. The best part, is that you will never find yourself unworthy in His eyes ever again. We place the value on ourselves, but to God, you are the best thing He's ever discovered and created. We only have to believe it.

The best part is that it will completely change your life forever. If your willing, of course?

What do you have to lose?

If your tired of feeling less than perfect, looking for acceptance and unconditional love and want more out of your life than what you've been getting lately, invite Him into your heart. He stands at the door, are you willing to let Him in? What can it hurt?

Believe me, it will completely change your life for the better! Here's all you need to do:

1. Talk to God. You don't need anyone's help. Just stop where you are right now and ask God to change you. Tell Him how difficult your life has been up this point. Ask Him into your life.

2. Ask God to forgive you for failing to meet up to His expectations for your life. Believe He will change you and love you unconditionally. Believe He is the only one who can completely change you. Believe that He is the one true God and that He died for you to pay the price for all your sins, past, present and future. That He rose again on the third day and is now residing in Heaven, waiting for all of us to join Him.

3. Ask Him to show you the path for your life now. Open a Bible and begin reading what life is really about. I'd suggest start in the book of John. Read it like you were there and ask God to reveal Himself to you through His word.

Then believe, you are now a perfect child, a heir to the throne of God, a prince or princess that will live forever in a kingdom far perfect from the world we live in now, and that when this life ends, yours will not! You will dwell in a perfect place filled with streets of gold, and no more tears, death, fear or pain exists. Trust me, Heaven and Hell are very real places and there will be no partying in Hell, but there will be in Heaven. The choice is yours today! I hope you make this the best sale ever in your life!


  1. Excellent post Kat. I can always use the reminder of His love for me. I have held two garage sales in my life because I was moving. I have never been to one.

  2. Bought by Christ's precious blood!

  3. Awesome post:)
    Thankful for HIS love and grace!

  4. Kat,

    What a great way to get the message across!




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