Thank You To All Our Veterans and Service Personnel!
Without your unconditional sacrifice and willingness to serve, we wouldn't remain a free and blessed country despite our difficulties at the present time. It's because of the sacrifices of people who have stepped up to the plate, willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it means laying down their life for another, they do it without hesitation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for those that have died serving, those that are still at war, those that are still missing, and those families that have stood by while our country remains one of the best in my personal opinion. I am proud to be an American and thank you for those who have paid the ultimate price.
I had the opportunity yesterday while visiting the Museum of Flight in Washington, to visit the World War 1 and 2 exhibits. What memories were found personally by me, as I walked by each exhibit, from the items on display that family and friends have lovingly dedicated, to the letters and journals I have the privilege to read. It was a moving moment for me, wondering if each piece could talk, what stories they would share. The photographs on display of such loving men and women who paid the price to serve our country and those that never made it home alive. I cried at times, but very so proud as well because I am an American, both my parents served, and I was fortunate. They came home.
The best part of my day was visiting with an elderly gentleman who was kind enough to share his personal story with us. He served in WWII, in Pearl Harbor. He remembers the day fondly. He was playing golf in Griffith Park, when he got the news that Pearl Harbor was attacked and went to war. He flew P38's and a few others. As he talked it was an honor to realize that this man was well over 80 and still standing here telling us his story. He was so proud and you could see in his eyes he could remember it all like it happened yesterday. When we left, we personally thanked him not only for his time, but for talking to us. For sharing a time in history with us, for serving our country well. Now I will take his memory and treasure it because he so lovingly shared it with us.
Thank you again for your time sir. It was treasured and well worth the time it took for you to share it with us. Happy Veteran's Day and making it memorable to us.
Father, I come to You, confessing my sin and asking for Your forgiveness. I thank you, Lord, for You have promised that if I will confess my sins, You will be faithful to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I want to turn from my sins and live in Your will. I ask that You give me the power through Your Holy Spirit to live the right way.
I thank You that Jesus Christ died on the cross, paying the price for my sins, and then rose from the dead. I accept Him now as my Savior, my Lord, and my Friend. Thank You for giving me new life in Christ. I surrender myself to You; make me what You want me to be. In Jesus' name. Amen!
This is my online ministry that God is using to bring about encouragement, hope and love to a hurting and dark world. I am hoping that all of you that find your way here will take something away that will add some meaning to your life! I personally feel it's a calling I have from God at this time in my life to reach out to people that are hurting and offer them hope in a dark world or at least give them a smile and laughter back! I am sold out, body, mind, spirit and soul to Jesus Christ! This blog is dedicated to God, The Great I AM, Alpha and Omega, Jesus Christ, my Savior!
Awesome tribute.
Great post!
So glad you had some sight-seeing time while in Seattle. How'd you like nature's bluster?
Blessings and prayers,
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