Hmm, I sit here wonderful just what to share with you my readers of this Thanksgiving holiday. Something I haven't shared before, no cartoons about ways that turkeys are looking for you to find alternative foods to eat over them, no history lessons on just how the first Thanksgiving is celebrated or even what foods our family will be preparing or what our plans our this Thanksgiving.
For those of you that are interested in our plans, we are staying at home. We live some distance away from our family and friends and therefore don't want to uproot anyone just to have them drive over 2 hours away for dinner. We'll save those moments for when traffic isn't so bad or the weather may pose a threat to everyone's safety. We are keeping it small to just our immediate family, meaning anyone who is dwelling in our home that day or even the night before. Like all Thanksgivings, we open our home to anyone that doesn't have a place to go, be it family members, friends or even friends of friends.
We know that most families have been hit hard this year. Due to the "Recovery" plan that never quite panned out the way our President expected, some families are without anything this holiday. So this is our families year of giving. Whether it's helping the homeless out, volunteering at the soup kitchens or just providing a family with a way to have a meal or a place to go. That is our mission this year. I remember last year, we were struggling to find a way to make a Thanksgiving meal, times financially were really hard, and believe it or not, you probably know someone who is struggling but won't share that bit of their personal life with you. They are too embarrassed or just don't want to bother. They'll keep it to themselves, so this year. Be observant. Be open to windows of opportunity to help.
Share a bit of yourself, your family and even your finances if you are able to this year. I know for our family, we want to help, to give back, to make a difference. So while we gather around our table filled with food, we'll remember those that don't have any meal to gather around, who have lost family members this year, or who don't have a home. We'll be sharing ideas of how we can help before the year ends. Ways we can make a difference. Ways we can help, to step outside of our comfort zones and really be the hands and feet of Jesus this year.
Please pray for those that need help, that God will guide them to you, and you can make a difference in their lives. That you can offer them hope to a world that wants to remind them of what they don't have. Be the light. Be the salt! Let us flavor this year and this holiday with the hope we have in Jesus!
Wishing all of you and yours, a very blessed and abundant Thanksgiving filled with the love, warmth, and laughter of friends and family! Happy Thanksgiving ~ Love and Hugs ~ Kat
May many blessings come your way whatever you and family do today.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this, Kat. Life can be so difficult so being able to bless others makes me see that things aren't as bad as I think they are. My prayer is that God will bring people into my life that need to know that they re not alone.
ReplyDeleteSounds like your holiday was blessed.