"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." ~ Romans 8:37
This verse is one to memorize and file someplace handy on the shelves of your mind. Every day we face challenges of varying degree, but even seemingly small challenges can have large implications later. We must determine from the outset, like at the beginning of the day, that we are going to adopt a victorious outlook. If we know already how the story ends, that we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loves us, then we can begin with gratitude, no matter where we find ourselves from moment to moment.
A dieter has to be able to see herself thin. An athlete has to be able to see herself making the play or winning the race. An alcoholic needs to be able to see herself sober. Just as in order to be successful you have to visualize your success; in order to be faithful you have to visualize God triumphing over your challenges. Making a "faith picture" with our future helps us both to clarify our direction and desires, as well as open ourselves up to the power and possibility of God. Try this next time you are up against the clock, a wall, a challenge, a mystery, or a force to be reckoned with.
Have a truly blessed weekend! If you need prayer, please leave a comment or email me directly. I'd be honored to pray for you!
Hi sweet friend, What a wonderful and powerful post!!! This is the attitude I try to adopt often but a good reminder that one has to decide to view challenges as opportunities. I love the fall photo. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend.
Hugs, Noreen
A faith picture...I like that!
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