Saturday, August 6, 2011

Angel in the Shadows

Megan Laughlin looks like any other average high school girl except for one unique thing. She has the ability to see angels. Not only is she able to see their glowing light that surrounds them identifying them no matter how hard they try to blend in, God's given her a gift into the unseen realm.

She finds out about this unique gift when she begins seeing things that she wonders if she isn't going crazy. One of her camp counselors, Mr. Z as he is know about camp is glowing. Thinking perhaps he may be dying of some radioactive disease, he asks her one morning at the beginning of camp, just what she sees. She tells him that he glows. He laughs and then proceeds to enlighten her on his true identity of being called by God to help Megan with her gift and the coming evil that's headed her way.

Megan fears that even though she loves Seth, her boyfriend, who is also a believer, he may not understand her gift and would end their relationship. So Megan struggles with using her gift of sight during the 8 days at camp. During this time she sees evil spirits that manifest as a dark shadow like cloud, while the dark angels who can change forms into whatever they desire are the ones see is advised to stay away from.

When she returns home from camp, she soon learns that their is a new kid in town, who is very popular in school, Damon Vincente Lawless or D.V.L. for short. Nice initials huh? Now its a battle for the very lives of those she attends school with and for Damon this is a game about soul winning and he isn't about to lose.

In the first book in the Angels in the Shadow series, so we begin the battle brewing between good and evil, heaven and hell and even angels and demons. Angel in the Shadows, Book 1, by Lisa Grace will have you glued to the pages of the first book. I literally inhaled it in two hours and could not put it down. The only disappointing thing was it ended too quickly. I could have read this book all night long for how well written it was. It literally pulls the reader in from the first page.

Even Amazon has placed it in the top 10 as one of the most downloaded teen books!! She has also been interviewed by CBS on her books as well! I can easily see why. Now that I have finished the first and Lisa was kind enough to send me the second one, well you can imagine where I will be after writing this review, back into book 2, Angel in the Storm just to see where this one picks up. I know I will not be disappointed. This book easily rates a perfect 5 out of 5 stars. This series is just as good as the Twilight series but deals with reality instead of fictional vampires and werewolves.

I received this ebook compliments of Lisa Grace for my honest review and am so glad God blessed me with the opportunity to review this one. I can't wait for my oldest daughter, whose 18 to pick this one up. If you would like more information on this book which is only available in eBook and Hardcover formats, the author and even where to pick up a copy of this book, please click on the links below: Right now, you can get the ebook format on Amazon for $ .99! It's worth it, trust me!

You can also follow Lisa Grace on her Facebook page by clicking here.

You can find out more by visiting Lisa on her website by clicking here.


My thoughts for the day are